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Rescued and rehabilitated from the Thargoids,
this former exobiology and genetic scientist and explorer finally returned..
but changed.

Rumours has it, that he somehow managed to survived late consequences of horrific experiments by the thargoids done to him,
by using his deep knowlege in genetics and exobiology on himself
Which resulted in unspeakable changings on his appearance, biochemistry, intelligence and even supernatural abilities.

Other thargoid victims, who were rescued with him from the taranis maelstrom at the same time,
are rumoring that he was even able to get in contact with these buglike creatures
because they all had the same nightmares with some kind of conversation in an uncomprehenceable and gruesome language,
that felt like a voice that was no voice at all... and his unforgettable scratching, but all to human voice.

Supposedly he was or still is in contact with secret occult organizations somewhere in the pleyades sector
and even the Cult of the "far gods",
where he has been sacrificed by them to the thargoids in awaiting his return and worshipping him as the "ambassador of azathoth