Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
178 cm / 5' 10"
77.5 kg / 171 lb
Build type
Skin color
Pale, freckled
Hair color
Off-tangerine mahogany
Eye color
Born 3281, at Jenkinson Landing, Obato A2, to a mining father and a mother who initially worked in food science. Botster doesn’t recall his original name or much about his parents aside from his father being horribly maimed in a mining accident and succumbing to his injuries after a 3 to 4 month battle to survive. His mother, unable to support the two of them was forced into smuggling and fencing Lucan Onionhead. This earned her a custodial sentence and at 7 years old Botster was abandoned as a street rat.

At 10 he was adopted by the Aseveli into their cadet ranks as a medical runner and at 13 into Aseveljet as an errand boy and running armament resupply at Holland Depot, LP 353-74. Here he had his first real exposure to the fighting ships that he would later yearn to pilot. A space experience flight was granted him in 3297 where he showed rudimentary flying skills, a good technical knowledge, a great enthusiasm and keenness to learn.

Later, during his Commanders’ course, he showed a great aptitude at understanding, using and developing automated systems which earned him the nickname he now uses as his commanders mononym. This has led to a number of run-ins with staff of the Anti-Botting Agreement which regularly require him to show up in person to prove he is not a script!

As he aged he developed a shallow interest in politics but particularly the anti-drugs stance of Aisling Duval. At 26 he moved away from the Aseveli but still supports them when requested. Botster set up at Iben Dock, Pirigen working for Whitetip Operations, establishing himself a clean-fighting reputation, an independent political outlook and with a view to finding and releasing his absent mother.

A successful year with Whitetip saw a massive increase in cash-flow, a much expanded fleet and a significant increase in space-flight and operational knowledge, but Botster was no closer to locating his missing mother. If anything, the diversion of attention caused by the pace of operations only hampered search efforts.

A drunken conversation in a dingy, side-street bar off the Kolsuk Botanical Market, Roustet, in March 3309 now leads Botster to Bugayaman and the stomping grounds of Delta Squadron. What do they know? Can they assist? Is his mother even still alive..?