Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color

Name: Steve Sake
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 7th of January 3283
Place of Birth: New World, Achenar System
Height: 1,75 m
Weight: 75 kg
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Green

I've always had an easy life, my family obtained a noticeable wealth during the terraforming of planet Achenar 6B, now known as New World.
My great grandfather even managed to become a patron since there were many people supporting him on our planet. After he died though, things started to get worse. The terraforming was nearly complete and soon enough our company had to sell most of its assets and become a building company. We never became poor but our days of flashy parties and ostented richness are long gone.

I am the youngest of three children and like my brother and sister I received the best education and I've always lived without worrying about my future.
But after my 18th birthday I realized that the life that my parents set out for me was not the way I wanted live. I didn't want to sit all day at my desk managing the slaves or having meetings with suppliers who always try to sell overpriced or low quality products. I decided I wanted some adventure, I wanted to explore the galaxy and earn my own money.
My father was not happy to hear that I spent all that I saved up to buy a one way ticket to LHS 3447 and a course for a pilots license but his resentment vanished shortly since he still had two other children that could take over the business when he retired.

One year has passed since that day and here I am at Trevithick Dock with my license and my Sidewinder - this ship really sucks, there's no room and it looks like a wedge of cheese with two thrusters strapped on it - ready to start my journey in this giant galaxy. Communications with my family have been few and far between, the only one that reaches out to me and that I enjoy talking to is my sister. She said that my father refuses to mention my name and my brother thinks that I have been a fool to go away and that sooner or later I will end up in trouble and come back home crying. My mother on the other end always asks about me but she would never write directly to me because she is too prideful.
I don't mind this situation, I know that in some way or another they still care about me, but this is my life and the fact that everyone thinks I will fail makes me want succeed even more and prove them wrong.

For anyone who cares, Sake is not my real last name, but since the Pilots Federation cares very little about these kind of things I decided to use my favorite drink as my last name - the other option would have been Steve Shitfaced but I guess that it would have created some trouble in convincing people that I'm a respectable commander -