Personal content

Real name
Ari Lavigne
Place of birth
Year of birth
180.3 cm / 5' 11"
83 kg / 183 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Hazel/Blue Heterochromia
French American
Ari Lavigne, a household name for those who are interested with the inner workings of the Federation. Her origins are shrouded in mystery, with rumors and speculations that surround her every move. Some say that she was born in the Rhea system, but nobody truely knows.

At only 21 years old, Ari has already made a name for herself as a trade specialist. Her skills in negotiating deals and transporting goods have earned her a reputation as one of the best in the business. However, it is her affiliation with Felicia Winters, the Shadow President of the Federation, that has garnered the most attention.

Ari is a federal agent for Felicia Winters and is believed to be a crucial figure in an underground information network that aids the Shadow President. Some have even gone as far as to suggest that she is a figurehead for this network. Her expertise in various fields, including mining, exploring, bounty hunting, and Thargoid combat, has proven to be invaluable to the cause.

Despite her impressive accomplishments, rumors have also circulated about Ari's personal life. Some suggest that she has romantic ties to Felicia Winters, although this has never been confirmed. Others believe that she is using her position to gain more power and influence within the Federation.

Regardless of the rumors, there is no denying that Ari Lavigne plays an interesting role within the Federation. Her skills and expertise have made her an invaluable asset to Felicia Winters and the Federation, and her name is sure to be remembered for years to come.