Personal content

Real name
Johnathan Nelson
Place of birth
Year of birth
183 cm / 6' 0"
100 kg / 220 lb
Build type
Skin color
Fair, White
Hair color
Eye color
Born January 26 3274 on Jenner HUB in Zaragas Johnathan Neilson aka Sly killer 9136 spent most of his childhood at the docks of the station seeing the ships come and go. Wanting to leave the station most of his young life and see the vastness of space. Johnathan Neilson left his home in Zaragas at the age of 18 to join the Federal navy.

In the navy, he would quickly rise the ranks as one of the many young commanders in the reserve to reach the rank of Rear Admiral at the age of 20.

From then he was given command of a small unit sent to aid in a system dispute between two factions in his home System when war broke out he was tasked with keeping control of the system but failed to when he learned his Mother and father were killed in the fighting. It was then he was relieved of his command and discharged as the loss of both system and family lead Johnathan Neilson to become an alcoholic before joining with a group of commanders from the pilots federation to create The fireflies in which he would be part of until his late 20s when disputes between the Leader and himself cause Johnathan Neilson to leave the group, and join Scorpius Arms Syndicate as a lowly fighter.

Now Johnathan Neilson finds himself in command of Scorpius Arms Syndicate as it's CEO. It is also rumored that the young Commander has been seen with a female child with red hair. Not much is know about the child but speculation has her joining the commander around the time he lost his Left eye.