Personal content

Real name
Raven McKenzie
Place of birth
Alpha Centauri
Year of birth
175.3 cm / 5' 9"
99.7 kg / 220 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Dark red
Eye color
Born to a pair of traders, Raven had a decently privileged life. While her family was not wholly wealthy, they did not want for much either, and she was given a solid education in Federal space. She made numerous trips with her father aboard his hauler to Hutton Orbital, and she always carried a lust for adventure amidst the stars in her soul. Though of course, the life of constantly being on the move, going here and there to trade and chase the next deal... It left her without many friends outside of her immediate family, and she suffered from a constant feeling of loneliness. And things only got worse shortly after she turned sixteen.

Pirates. It's always pirates when you're a trader, but Raven didn't get shot out in an escape pod as she watched her family's craft burn up in the black. No, instead, when their hull was breached she was the first to witness space firsthand without a suit. At least for a brief moment, before she was sucked into the jagged hole in the side of the ship, the entire right side of her body exposed to the cold vacuum of space as the difference in pressure threatened to tear her in half. If it weren't for quick thinking from her mother, popping a repair limpet as dear old dad pulled Raven free, that would be the end of this tale. Instead, she got a new lease on life.

And it was thanks to cybernetics. Her arm and leg needed to be replaced, and she definitely needed stem cell therapy to repair the damage to her flesh and organs. But after virtually all of their savings were drained and they had to sell their ship to get her the care she needed, Raven felt more than just a little guilty for ruining their lives. Or at least that's how she perceives it. Her parents pulled some of the few strings they had left to get her work in a small attache unit that worked closely with the Federation. She was given proper training, though had no official rank within the Federal Navy, but respect came with the role nonetheless. And since then, she's taken to bounty hunting and pirate cleanup to build her fortune after taking up with the Pilot's Federation thanks to her work. And of course in recent times she's found work fighting the xenos.

But even more recently, she's been turning her guns against the Empire. When her aging parents revealed to her that they were hauling vital Federal supplies, and those pirates were more along the line of privateers. Sent by the Empire to try to jam a wedge into Federal supply lines in a covert fashion... Well, she was never fond of their slave ownership or their general attitude and culture, but now? It's personal.