Personal content

Real name
John Markson
Place of birth
Year of birth
185 cm / 6' 1"
82 kg / 181 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
John Markson is a seasoned pilot with a passion for exploration and a relentless sense of justice. Born and raised on a distant planet known as Avalon Prime, he grew up fascinated by the stars that adorned the night sky. From an early age, he dreamed of venturing into the great unknown, discovering new worlds, and unraveling the mysteries that lay beyond.

John's journey began when he enlisted in the prestigious Avalon Space Academy, where he honed his piloting skills and learned the intricacies of interstellar navigation. He excelled in his training, displaying remarkable talent and a natural aptitude for flying spacecraft.

After completing his education, John joined the Intergalactic Exploration Corps, an elite organization dedicated to charting unexplored territories and fostering peaceful relations with alien civilizations. Equipped with his trusty spacecraft, the Nova Star, he embarked on daring missions to distant planets, where he encountered both awe-inspiring wonders and treacherous dangers.

As John ventured deeper into the uncharted reaches of space, he encountered ruthless mercenaries and bloodthirsty pirates who sought to exploit the resources of unclaimed planets. Driven by a sense of duty and a desire to protect the innocent, he became a formidable adversary against these lawless factions. With his extraordinary piloting skills, strategic thinking, and combat prowess, John developed a reputation as a daring fighter who could outmaneuver and outgun any opponent.

Throughout his career, John has explored countless alien worlds, navigated treacherous asteroid fields, and engaged in intense space battles against mercenaries and pirates. He has amassed a wealth of knowledge about the galaxies and forged alliances with various alien species, creating a network of friends and contacts who aid him in his quest for justice.

John Markson continues to fly the vast expanse of space, seeking out new frontiers to explore, uncovering ancient civilizations, and fighting against those who threaten the innocent. His name has become synonymous with bravery, resourcefulness, and unwavering dedication to the principles of justice and exploration.