Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Rex "Deadeye" Snipes

Known aliases:
Frank Urban
Gwaed Tân
“Devil Wolf”
“Gypsy King”

Date of Birth:
circa 3030

Place of Birth:
Anaconda freighter Romani Lightrider  (current transponder reads Mulo Sumadji)
Surface of Titan, Sol system

6' 0'' / 1.83m

200 lbs / 90.72 kg


Hair Colour:
Grey, high and tight cut

Eye Colour:

Distinguishing Features:
Scarring on left side of face
Red wagon wheel, red Cymraeg dragon, and black Mogein Dovid tattoos on left shoulder
Federal Marine Corps tattoo on right shoulder


Previously married to [REDACTED] and father of son and daughter [REDACTED,REDACTED]. Part of Roma clan tasked by Imperial Senator [REDACTED] to colonize near Miackce sector in return for rites of citizenship, lesser nobility, and yielding of tribute gains to Senator [REDACTED]. (Speculation abounded among client and patron delegation that it was a way of "taking the trash" out of the Senator's system.)

Clan was allegedly attacked by [REDACTED] race, Christmas Day, 3055.

INRA responded to ensure no “foul play” between powers but yielded no survivors living or otherwise from migrating flotilla of empty drifting ships, yet covered up remaining evidence.
Snipes had been procuring supplies and system data for the convoy while in a nearby system, piloting Sidewinder scout Open Road, at the time of incident. He returned to family home ship Romani Lightrider to find the vessel empty and adrift. Life support was depleted with multiple hull breaches.

Snipes spent years hitting "red tape" from INRA administration, both Imperial and Federal, in an attempt to search for answers about what had happened to his family, and their nameless murderer(s). Partial recovery of data from black box implied massive power failures and what appeared to be organic technology. He had heard tales of a covert war on the fringes of space against a nameless threat, and he hated to think that it was the last thing that his wife, his children had seen.

To add insult to injury, the Imperial Senator recanted any such titles of nobility from the group, claiming they had cheated him of resources and stripped them of their newfound status.  
Snipes succumbed to extreme depression after several years without progress, wondering if he had in fact fallen victim to hallucination and paranoia of "aliens."

After trying everything from government inquiry to seeing a psychiatrist to no avail, he stripped the A-graded parts from his family's Anaconda to get credits and assets set aside and buried the ship at [Unknown] to return for it later. He needed a new start, and put the majority of his assets into development accounts with the Bank of Zaonce, keeping just enough to put himself into a cryo-stasis program. If this "ghost story of the void" took his family, he was going to prepare for their return with a welcome of his own.

He awoke in the year 3251, to an abandoned cryo-research station and a case of temporary mild retrograde amnesia. He caught up on galactic history through archived research and Galnet as he slowly remembered his purposes. By this point, INRA had "officially disbanded" and the threat that took away his family had not been heard from in so long that many relegated the war against them to myth.

He hopped into the cockpit of his dust submerged Sidewinder and made for the Bank of Zaonce to collect his "compounded interest." Utilizing his newfound relative wealth, he started a tech company not only to advance his financial affairs, but also to secretly develop specialized assets to continue his crusade. He acquired property rights at the Terminus system station of Abel Holdings in a commercial buyout to center his research and assets.

He needed a diversion. He could not tolerate even the concept of a “desk job.” His solution to deal with it was to enlist in the Federal Marine Corps. He concealed his assets, while simultaneously building combat skills. After spending close to 15 years working his way from an infantry private up to a force recon master gunnery sergeant, he felt at the peak of his game. Combat made him focus; it made him forget. And he was good at it.

On a routine patrol aboard the Federal Corvette FNS Tarawa, preparations were underway to commence an intelligence operation into contested space along a tense boundary between Federal and Imperial territory. While briefly stepping aboard the small bridge to acquire a situational report from the executive officer, one of the command crew began to cry out that they were all villains and would get their just rewards. He detonated an improvised charge near the starboard command console, blowing out the canopy. Snipes was fairly well protected from the blast having been in his assault armor, but the blast burned the side of his face and left some shrapnel before the helmet visor extended to shield his face from the heat and then subsequent rapid loss of atmosphere. Instinctively, he magnetized his boots to the deck, just in time to listen in total silence as the command crew was pulled into the void. He bounded as quickly as he could to the sparking control console, getting there as the brightest light engulfed the canopy opening. The ship had been fuel scooping and the blast had impaired the stabilizers. Now the ship full of his comrades was grappling with the star’s gravity well in a contest for their lives.

Snipes prevented anyone from entering the bridge, but communicated with the ship’s engineering crew in a mad race to get control back online before the heat would overtake the ship. After what seemed like an eternity, and feeling like his armor was now a sauna, Snipes punched the FSD into action.
Snipes saved the lives of everyone on the ship that day, gaining a meritorious promotional commission and command of the FNS Tarawa (later renamed the Darkfire).

Not long after the event with the traitorous crew member, Snipes submitted his resignation from the Federal military. He was alright with being expendable, but after what had happened, he didn’t want to directly be responsible for the lives of so many people again, at least not like this.
Despite this, the crew of the Darkfire was so inspired by him in his short time in command, that they followed Snipes and the ship into the private sector, becoming the first full operational team of Snipes’ clandestine organization. Cyber-warfare specialists, special operators, administrative and logistical support, and even armorers and munitions experts, all devoted their efforts to his charismatic cause out of a sense of honor. Snipes entertained the notion of the assets and skillsets in pursuit of his goal of eventual revenge, yet he bristled at the thought of being the one they looked up to. Heroes get people killed.

Reports indicate that Snipes rebranded the tech company and covert organization shortly after his discharge from Federal service. He had remembered from his military history that particularly stalwart generations of Marines from old Sol were nicknamed “Devil Dogs.” In honor of their legacy, he named his organization “Cerberus” after the mythological devil hound.

The company continued to boom and positively influence the Terminus system’s economy.
Once again, hating a desk job, Snipes left the day to day operations of Cerberus under the leadership of [Unknown], due to his intense distate for administration, and headed off to keep himself busy. He utilized his skills from the military to become a skilled bounty hunter and mercenary. In the events that transpired with the Emperor’s assassination and following military action against the terrorists involved, Snipes answered the call to fight in the Kausalya system. In recognition of Snipes' efforts to assist the Imperials in their time of chaos (and preventing the destruction of a capital ship with his organization’s fighter wing), one Senator had done some digging on the unwavering pilot’s background and in discovering the previously stripped nobility of Snipes’ clan, restored unto him citizenship and granted him an Imperial title.

Ever since the restoring of his family’s integrity, there have been rumored sightings of the pilot spanning the bubble of civilized space and beyond, assisting Federation, Imperial, and Alliance interests without yielding clues to the purpose of his involvement.

Personality Profile

If Snipes ever viewed his mental state as dysfunctional or detrimental and sought professional mental help, he would most likely be diagnosed with pervasive depression, anger management issues, PTSD, too high of a tolerance level for alcohol/substances to be pleasing or effective, and having a covert schizoid personality causing him to neither seek out nor enjoy social interaction and to portray a flat effect in emotional display. While he has often been viewed as “anti-social,” he is capable of social interaction when it serves a purpose to him, and can “put on a social mask” as a buffer, but is otherwise not interested in associations outside of what could be considered family through affinity.