Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
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Message Start

From: [[REDACTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, 21st September 3302, 15:13
Subject: CONFIDENTIAL - Grad Profile


Please find below a pilot's dossier. As per your request, she is our newest graduate awarded with honors. Also, she won the "Children of Earth" scholarship on 3297, which covered all academic and personal expenses during her training.

According to our previous meeting, I believe she fits your needs quite well. Nevertheless, let me know if you require me to continue searching for other pilots.

Best regards,
Academic Services Advisor
Pilots Federation

<<Dossier Attachments>>
<< Downloading... >>
<< ... >>
<< ... >>
<< Download Complete! >>

Commander Simona Fujimori front

Commander Simona Fujimori side shot

Commander Simona Fujimori full body

Commander Simona Fujimori's custom helmet

Commander Simona Fujimori's first tattoo (of 5) - "Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today"

Message End

[OC Notes]
I'll be using mossfoot's Pilot Ejection Table for an increased sense of risk on this playthrough
Rendered on Daz Studio 4.9