Personal content

Real name
Gabriel Wickley
Place of birth
Beta Hydri
Year of birth
175.3 cm / 5' 9"
97.5 kg / 215 lb
Build type
Physically fit but not overly muscular
Skin color
Hair color
Dark brown fading to white
Eye color
Ice Blue
Midwestern/North Central American
Gabriel Wickley was the child prodigy of his parents, Aren and Kimberly, who both held supervisory positions in the starport of Stevenson Base in the Beta Hydri system. Although he was only an average student, he began to reflect on his parent's love of ship maintenance and engineering at the early age of ten. To the delight of all who knew him, it seemed he was to follow in Aren and Kimberly's career footsteps. But in 3279, events unfolded that forever changed Gabriel's outlook and future.

While working on a routine retrofit of a Beluga Liner, the power plant malfunctioned and overheated to the point of explosion, killing seven workers, Gabriel's parents included. While grieving over his loss in the following weeks, he began to hear rumors the tragedy was no mere accident but a planned attack by a pro-slavery pirate gang. Soon his grief fused into anger, which he sedated by joining the local security force, then pushed on into the service of the Federal Navy.

Gabriel’s first assignment in the Navy was copiloting troop transports engaging in ground assaults. It became quickly apparent to his commanding officers that the young man's flight skills were more than adequate, and they soon promoted him to Captain and placed him in a combat fighter. However, Gabriel found little action in his new role and grew bored of playing security in various systems.

In 3290, just seven days after his thirtieth birthday, a rival faction of the Federation in the Exbeur system took control of Wakata Hub on Exbeur 6d in a quick but violent attack. The Navy sent ground and air troops to reclaim the port, using the system security force, Gabriel included, as general support. His orders were evident as he was told to maintain a safe distance until called upon. But as Gabriel’s comms lit up with the panicked cries of the outnumbered federal ground troopers, he openly defied his orders and flew into the battle.

After several daring strafing runs, Gabriel’s attacks had thinned out the enemy's ranks enough to allow the Federal troops to gain the upper hand. No one denied his directly disobeying orders helped turn the tide of battle and saved many lives, but the ranking officers could not overlook his insubordination. As a result, Gabriel was stripped of his rank and discharged from Navy service, with the condition that he could reacquire his status, should he work for the Navy again, but only after ten years passed.

In 3292, Gabriel became an official member of the Pilots Federation and began a career flying materials across various trade routes. When work would become sparse, or he got bored, he would join one faction or another, fighting as a mercenary to earn his pay.

Gabriel has set aside his taste for violence as much as possible, preferring to earn his credits by trade or participating in search and rescue missions. He also transports passengers occasionally, especially if the pay is good. But his ultimate goal is to set out and explore and see what no human has ever seen.