Cmdr Tidriel
Special operative / Diplomat
Registered ship name
The hound
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Krait Mk II mmco
Overall assets
Morpheus Mining Corp.
Arissa Lavigny-Duval

Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Minimal information found on <CODE NAME> "Tidriel"

[ERROR] - Most adult records appear to be heavily redacted or missing entirely.

Records show this Cmdr had an incredible talent for special tactics and strategic planning at an early age; this is most likely to have caught the attention of local Federal auditors. A few Federal Navy Academic documents have been recovered proving his enrollment/graduation, some daily duties, and a light disciplinary strike from infiltrating a secret Academy facility; this is most likely due to the secretive nature of his real training. The whereabouts of this Cmdr is sporadic following his academic departure, only through brief statements and code, have we been able to somewhat distinguish the true objectives for this new Federal Agent.

Within these declassified operations, we have found this Cmdr was used to secretly extract information and personnel from various sources throughout the "Bubble". The majority of these reports also show the incredible capability to succeed in circumstances where others would most certainly fail. Nearly 5 years ago, the last report states something ominous occurred during a routine extraction and an allied vessel began engaging friendly units; this was followed by an all-out ambush causing the loss of nearly every ally and personnel under his command. The loss reverberated throughout Federation Intelligence Agencies and caused a massive shakedown throughout each department. One of the only individuals who may know the truth of this internal Federal crisis is this Cmdr...

After this incident, scattered records show he joined a large group of independent pilots calling themselves the "Exodus Coalition". Eventually he achieved the Joint Chief of Staff position within their Operations Division where he helped contribute to their goals by planning and executing missions to further their influence. However, it seemed to only last a few years as there was growing tension within their ranks that led to a complete breakdown of active leadership; this provided their enemies the best opportunity to move against them during their weakened influence. These events ultimately led to continuous wars throughout EXO controlled space, during one of these conflicts, Tidriel is presumed dead after the destruction of his flagship the "Exoppression".

Although, there are still rumors that state he has rejoined his closest allies that survived and continues to fly with them to this day.