Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
210 cm / 6' 11"
Build type
Lean but wiry.
Skin color
Light tan
Hair color
Dirty brown
Eye color
Subtly southern US American.
The Four Wings of Implacable:

Galactica Wing: Designed to operate in the same system as the Carrier, or at most in the next system over, acting as a forward strike force in Carrier and system defense. Low jump range, minimal utility, high combat effectiveness. Blackthorn, Oathbringer, Bahrendel, etc. Named for Battlestar Galactica.

Babylon Wing: Mid-range combat/utility vessels, designed to be able to operate independently at decent ranges (min. 35 LY jump range, carries fuel scoops) while still being combat effective. Combat Conda, Krait Mk II, maybe T-10 if I can get its range up enough? Needs third ship. Named for Babylon 5.

Voyager Wing: Long-range survey and science vessels. Minimal armaments, maximum jump range. Exploraconda, DBX, AspEx. Named for Star Trek: Voyager.

Stellaris Wing: The economic arm of Implacable. All ships designed for trade, Mining, or other forms of gathering or money generation not involving combat. Kaylark, my eventual Cutter, my T-10 if it can't get 35 LY range, et cetera. Likely to be the largest wing due to the larger number of necessary roles, and therefore ships. Named for Stellaris.