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Commander Yure. A former Federal military veteran, whom joined the Canonn Interstellar Group in hopes to search answer for the mysterious death of his father. Despite his lack of scientific background his skills and knowledge have seen him entwined in multiple side projects within the organization. A very profitable venture had him scammed a sizable amount of money by a crewmember. Finding a solution to his problem in the common interest of a slave CQC pilot, Yure was able to rid the Milky Way of at least one asswipe. Shortly thereafter he embarked with his newest crewmember on a hunt for evidence of Thargoid incursions prior to the current incursion and mounting crisis. The farfetched story rewarded the now temporary scavengers with the husk of a Type-9 Ship which served as the sleeping tomb of a family secret in the form of an illegal human Artificial Intelligence.  Multiple odd and random jobs later the crew of the Ghost of Fallujah is approached by the entity known as the Outriders. A group of terraforming, colonizing roughnecks composed mainly of former convicts whom's infamy have largely overshadowed their success. Now only a sliver the size they once were, they sought the targeted talent of budding explorers in hopes to reclaim their old glory. Aware of Commander Yure's growing affiliation with Canonn they hoped he would serve as an envoy to discuss the corporate assimilation of the Outriders to the newer and more financially backed entity known as Garuda Ved. That venture ultimately failed and Canonn leadership saw Yure's irresponsible use of the Canonn branding as an overextension of the commander's lowly research assistant role. For such a transgression he was politely asked to go and explore the Guardian ruins in the Prua region.

Years have passed and the Prua Region search and research had frustratingly turned up nothing that could be divulged. But the time would not be considered a waste to the aging leader of the Outriders. The Ghost of Fallujah and its crew had found a few Earth Like Worlds. Boons enroute to the newly established Colonia region, and demand generators for the once disenfranchised Outriders.

It is present time now, and the Titans' arrival have made Canonn Interstellar Group recall most of their assets back. The threat to humanity has made having "all hands on deck" the most paramount of priorities...