Personal content

Real name
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Commander Aldebaran, known by his callsign "Roadkill" was born on a remote agricultural colony on the fringes of Alliance space. Growing up in a modest farming family, Aldebaran was fascinated by tales of the stars and the opportunities they held. His childhood dream was to explore the vast unknown and carve his own path among the stars. His parents had instilled in him a sense of self-sufficiency and stubborn determination which would serve him well in his career amongst the stars.

From a young age, Aldebaran excelled in engineering. He would repair and upgrade farm equipment with modifications cannabalised from parts lying around. He dreamt of one day piloting his own spacecraft and venturing into the unknown depths of space.

When he was 16, a famine hit his home planet. Farming became unsustainable there so he took a shuttle to LTT 2684 , where he got a job at the shipyard at Lindsey Orbital, repairing freighters and fighters, until he'd earned enough credits to buy a sidewinder and get his pilot's licence. Once he had his wings, he traded and ran missions for local factions to improve his lifestyle. His inbuilt beliefs prevented him from turning to a life of piracy or bounty hunting. He was a man of peace.

All this changed when the Thargoid titans arrived, one threatening his home world. Aldebaran joined the ranks of independent Anti-Xeno pilots, eager to protect humanity's civilisation. During the Second Thargoid War, he quickly proved himself as a brave and daring pilot, once surviving an encounter with a Cyclops with 1% hull. After reaching Elite rank, through the defense of many invaded ports, he was called upon by the Allied Defence Force to turn his piloting skills to evacuation missions, rescuing many hundreds of people from Alert systems.

However, he eventually grew tired of war. He yearned for the freedom to explore uncharted territories and uncover the secrets hidden among the stars. A chance meeting with a Canadian Pilot led him to Join the Eden expedition, led by the mercurial EklipzHorizn. This was to be an epic adventure, traversing tens of thousands of light years over several months, taking in some of the wonders of the Galaxy, and with plenty of shenanigans along the way.

In the Trusty Alphard, an Asp Explorer also known as the 'Batmobile', he set out into the void, seeking adventure and fortune among the far-flung reaches of the galaxy. Now, as a seasoned commander, Aldebaran continues to roam the depths of space accompanied by a small, tight knit group of like-minded explorers who are driven by a sense of adventure, a thirst for knowledge, and a steadfast determination to make their mark on the galaxy.

Aldebaran is father to Commander Lyraea, a fledgling Pilot just starting her own Journey into the Galaxy..