Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
169 cm / 5' 7"
69 kg / 152 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
CMDR yesusyeet was born into a rich and well-respected business family on Sol, but she has always dreamt of soaring the stars.

When the time was right, she left her wealth behind, hopped into a Sidewinder, and began the journey of chasing her dreams.

Limited to funds and ship size, she started doing the basics of mining and trading. But it wasn't enough. Bored out of her mind, she worked hard to earn her first bucket of gold and became a proud owner of a Vulture. This Vulture was different from her Sidewinder; this Vulture was armed to the teeth as she began her new job as a bounty hunter.

Life in space was fun, and it was exactly what she wanted. However, within a year of her journey, she was forced to return to Sol due to family issues. CMDR yesusyeet began to think that this was the end of her dream.

After almost two years back home, CMDR yesusyeet was able to settle the family matter. With time on her hands, she remembered her old dream but was unable to remember the passion she once had; this changed one day...

On her way to meet a friend, CMDR yesusyeet accidentally stumbled into a Thargoid war system! But she doesn't have any reliable knowledge of the war, nor what the Thargoids were. All she knew was that Thargoids were an alien species that invaded parts of the Bubble. Panicking as her Hyperspace Conduit became unstable, she was forcefully taken back into normal space... before she could even regain control, she saw, for the first time with her own eyes, a Thargoid interceptor.

Angry and terrified, CMDR yesusyeet remembered that Galnet mentioned something about the Thargoids not being able to target cold ship properly. She went into silent running and attempted an escape. Frame Shift Drive charging... but it was too late. All CMDR yesusyeet had time to do before her shields went down and her ship shredded to pieces was to send out a distress signal.

When she was rescued, instead of fear, anger filled her veins; and with this anger, she gained a new goal: to kill the Xenos.

This is the ongoing story of CMDR yesusyeet. Where she is following this new goal to a new extreme. Starting from a new pilot with the Anti-Xeno Initiative, she climbed the ranks and honed her skills. Now she is one of the best pilots humanity has to offer, and her conquest of the Thargoids continues.