Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color

Name: Rand McCullough

Aliases: Rand Durell, Zero                      

Birth date: 10 AUG 3262                        

Birthplace: Halley Gateway, Nai No Kami

Height: 6'0 ft / 182.88 cm

Weight: 240 lbs / 108.6 kg

Build: Athletic

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Distinguishing Features: None


Rand is the oldest of two children. His parents met each other while stationed at Halley Gateway, Nai No Kami. After a brief engagement they wed in 3260. Rand spent the majority of his childhood at Halley Gateway. He received average marks during his educational years, with above average aptitude for aeronautics and engineering. His father had hoped he would follow in his footsteps and become an engineer, but young Rand kept his eyes to the stars. Growing up on a station, he longed to set foot on different worlds, to explore the stars and see for himself what life was like in the vastness of the universe.

In 3280, Rand decided to stay behind when his parents decided to relocate back to the home system of the Empire, Achenar. Seeing this as his opportunity to start out on his own, he picked up odd jobs around the spaceport to make some credits. He has worked as a dock hand, ship's cook, thruster mechanic, and electrical engineer. Eventually he made his way onto a crew of a T-9 Heavy trader, where he trained as a co-pilot, earning his license from the Pilot's Federation.

An unfortunate accident during a trading run resulted in heavy fines he couldn't afford to pay, resulting in Rand having to sign up for Imperial servitude until he could settle up his debt. In 3286, rumor says that Rand escaped Wu Guinagi from the Imperial Baron he was assigned to, stealing the Baron's Imperial Clipper in the process.

There has been an Imperial bounty on him and the Clipper ever since.

Operating on the edge of inhabited space as a freelance transporter, he has been seen everywhere from Sol to Colonia, sometimes reported as flying a matte black Imperial Clipper. His current whereabouts remain unknown, but he has been seen recently at Suri Gateway, in Vesuvit.


Even in his early years, Rand was a quiet child who kept to himself. He tends to shy away from large packs of people, and is rarely seen with more than one person. He has no known alliances with any groups, save for a small number of personal contacts. He is not known to fly with crew, handling his pilot duties through automation. Rumors persist that he has acquired outlawed A.I. tech, but no proof has been found.

He is highly intelligent. He has a very high aptitude for engineering, and prefers to do the maintenance on his ships personally. He is also known as a tactician, gauging the strengths and weaknesses of a situation before committing to action. He tends to shy away from most situations if there is no profit in it, but has been known to act in the aid of others in need.

He has no interest in politics, and steers clear of any mercenary or bounty hunter work. He has been know to repeatedly say that "those who want to wage war, need to be the first in line to pull the trigger when the shooting starts".