Personal content

Real name
Clyde Harvey
Place of birth
Year of birth
175 cm / 5' 9"
75 kg / 165 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Dark brown
Eye color
Dark brown
Southern lavian
[Interception of stray audio broadcast]
[Audio record playback begins]

[Soft distant sound of multi-cannons firing]

The boundless reaches of space stretch before me, as I'm pursued ceaselessly by an enemy through endless systems. My journey, the path I've chosen, has brought me to this defining moment.

I'm Clyde Harvey. I think back to the tales my late father, a decorated official, shared with me — a legacy that has driven me.
"War... War never changes."
He said pensively when I, at a very young age, told him I wanted to become a soldier.

But he was a foot soldier. I yearned for the stars.

My enlistment rejection wasn't merely a result of my regional background, as I had initially believed. It was more complex than that. The local enlistment facility, entrenched in the politics of the Lave system, had been embroiled in a series of covert scandals and infighting. My father, a vocal critic of the facility's corrupt practices, had made powerful enemies within its ranks. Specially that one Admiral--

[Loud thud noise followed by cockpit alarms]

My journey led me on a different path: mercenary work, scavenging, and bounty hunting. As I roamed the galaxy, my thirst for battle grew, and I became my own armed force. Although a mediocre one.

The turning point came during a rally in Rhea, where the charismatic and idealistic politician Felicia Winters was addressing a massive crowd. Her words resonated deeply with me, and I was drawn to her vision of reform and the greater good.

A local federal official, contacted me after seeing my humble accomplishments in my self-driven journey. We shared a vision of change within the Federation, one that could only be achieved with individuals of unwavering commitment.

[Loud thud noise, followed by metal creaking. Ship voice says: "Warning. Hull breach attack. Taking internal damage]
[Continues on a rushed manner]

If my escape pod is condemned to the eternal emptiness, I leave this message as a homage to my father, the source of inspiration for all that I've become. You could only meet the stars after death. But here I am now, among them in life.

I hope you are proud.

[Audio record playback ends]