Personal content

Real name
Morning Star Heosphoros
Place of birth
Year of birth
170.2 cm / 5' 7"
59 kg / 130 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Dark Brown (may be dyed another colour)
Eye color
Dark Brown (synthetic)
Federation English
I don't know the next time I'll be able to play Elite. My PS4 has reached the Red Light of Death, and my laptop can't handle Elite.

CMDR madamepestilence. Title: Morning Star. Database name: Heosphoros. Role: Union Party Leader for Yuri Grom (Legacy). Platform: PlayStation. Open database for further information.

Accessing Pilots' Federation personal database for CMDR madamepestilence...
Connection established. Showing file: Pilots_Federation/POIs/CMDRs/Independent/Leaders/madamepestilence/autobiography_0

Personnel File 429941/auto/0

Greetings, Commanders.

I am CMDR madamepestilence, a Communist PlayStation pilot who leads as both Union Party Leader of my Squadron, the Relaxed Pilots Union, as well as the Union Party Leader of Red Grom Union, the Legacy server for Yuri Grom Powerplay instructions.

I'm also a member Squadron and one of the leaders of the Legacy Pilots' Coalition, a cross-Squadron server of like-minded Legacy pilots sewing back together the last bastion of Legacy Elite Dangerous, though admittedly with some rockiness.

If you're looking to support Yuri Grom, or just looking for a Squadron that doesn't force you to log on constantly and lets you take breaks and hiatuses as long as you need, join me in the Relaxed Pilots Union.

While Inara is unable to track my in-game progress thanks to Frontier severing Legacy Elite, I'll be keeping it as accurate as possible through manual updates. These will be irregular and likely just when I feel they're important or have the energy for it.

The profile picture I'm currently using is by @AyvieArt on Twitter/X, and the original link can be found here: @AyvieArt on Twitter/X - "They asked so politely"