Cmdr Dick "Crook" Tatty
Private investigator / Gangster
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Asp Explorer [BWAR]
Overall assets
Bacons Warpigs

Personal content

Real name
Dick Tatty
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Dick Tatty was born on Warinus, a asteroid base in Lave, in very poor conditions. His mother was an "easy girl" and all he knows about his father is that he is in a mental hospital. Even at a young age, he was nicknamed "Crook" because he never took the law too seriously when it came to achieving his goals. However, it is to his credit that he always tackles tasks persistently and usually completes them, or at least tries to. When he's not back in prison, because Crook has a massive anger problem and is constantly getting himself into trouble, he works as a paparazzo and private investigator for the Butchers' Brewery.

Crook unconditionally carries out any assignment from Mr. Bacon, no matter what. Mr. Bacon is the one who pays for his beer and food, and that deserves loyalty! An order will be completed at any price! At least in Crook's slightly skewed way of thinking. Unfortunately, he takes everything literally. This has already led to a few problems. Let's take a hypothetical example:
"Make sure the peeping Tom stops harassing our customer".... a good investigator would gather evidence against the stalker and report him to the authorities. For Dick, someone needs two healthy legs an a ship to chase.... and that's the solution too.

Crook is like a hunting dog: when he gets an order, he persistently pursues his target and tracks it down again and again. It is almost impossible to escape from him. He is the shadow at the window, the movement at the edge of the forest... If a rusty python is constantly following you, you'd better think about who might have something against you.