Personal content

Real name
Luna "Phoenix" Nightshade
Place of birth
Year of birth
193.5 cm / 6' 4"
80 kg / 176 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Luna hails from Mars in the Sol system. She became a commander in the year 3306. Before March of 3307, She was very active in trading circles operating out of Sol.

She assisted in the rescue and recovery efforts conducted following the Nine Martyrs attacks, most notably in Sol. Even to this day, She still assists in S/R Efforts, even in Thargoid territory.

Nowadays, You will most likely find Luna either trading on behalf of the P.T.N. or engaging in combat with both wanted criminals and Thargoids.

As of April 04, 3310, Luna is presumed dead after being destroyed within the Oya Titan Maelstrom after engaging AX forces inside the veil.

A small rant

Thank y'all who read my logbook entries and are interested in me! I know my logs can be a bit... out there, but I just love having fun with it!
If I continue my logbook stories, I'll revamp my bio and add chapters or story arcs or whatever you'd like to call it for better organization and better continuity. 
Also, If you desire, Feel free to take elements from my logs and incorporate it into your own!
once again, thank y'all for taking the time to look through and read my silly little stories

Small rant over

List of Stories:

Realizations of War

5 logs listed in order
The Ends Justify the Means
The Loss of Countless Lives
The Graveyard of Morals
The Carelessness of Man
An Internal Conflict

Description: Commander Luna assists in the destruction of the Thargoid titan Tarannis, only to realize that she is participating in a massacre of a sentient race of beings. She begins to Isolate herself from humanity and develop a plan to hopefully get humanity to realize the horrors that they have inflicted upon the Thargoids

{Authors note}
This is the first short story I created. I know it has it's holes and flaws but it was more of a experiment and test to learn and produce a story :3