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In the boundless expanse of the cosmos, where stars shimmer like distant whispers of forgotten tales, a lone figure drifts through the void, an enigma unto herself. I am Galuira Arrowfox, a name as mysterious to me as the galaxies I traverse. My story begins not with a grand adventure, but with the eerie silence of space and the haunting echo of an abandoned vessel.

I was discovered adrift in the vast interstellar void, an isolated speck against the canvas of infinity. The ship that carried me was a derelict, lifeless and cold, mirroring the emptiness within my mind. My past, a gaping chasm of darkness, offers no solace or answers. I awoke to find a jagged scar marring the left side of my face, a brutal reminder of a history I cannot recall.

Who am I? How did I come to be here, alone and forgotten among the stars? These questions linger like spectral phantoms, urging me onward.

As I chart my course through the galaxy, each star system and celestial body holds the potential to unlock fragments of my obscured past. With every jump, I seek not just to explore the universe but to rediscover myself.

This is my journey, documented faithfully in these logs. Perhaps one day, through the vast sea of stars and the whispers of the void, I will uncover the truth of Galuira Arrowfox. Until then, I will pilot my ship with the resilience of one seeking redemption, with a heart as wild and unyielding as the frontier itself.

Onward, to the stars and beyond.