Personal content

Real name
Deka Vhekk
Place of birth
Year of birth
194 cm / 6' 4"
85 kg / 187 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Dark Brown
Deka was born in 3256 on Eravate 4 McMAHON Dock. After several years of living an honest but poor life as a trader he decides its time for a change. Setting out on new Black Markets he quickly discovers that there is money to be made dealing in illegal goods. While lowering his morals and principles he continues to deal in slaves and Imperial slaves. Sometimes gaining a profit, sometimes dealing with fines and bounties.

He gets better in flying his ships and starts to become able enough to fight off pirates who are after his cargo. Which lead him eventually to bounty hunting and assassination jobs. As long as the price is right taking the risks he starts fighting of small groups of pirates solo. Gaining an interest to keep black markets open he fights for independant groups and small factions. Hoping to make a small difference. Still never judging who is paying the bills.

At some point in time he thinks that joining up with Archon Delaine and his Kumo Crew can make a difference in the galaxy. To fight for independant trade options keeping Black Markets open. Fighting in warzones and he then realizes its a hard fight to battle everyone else out there. He is not so much a pirate but a capable fighter pilot with interests in trading the best possible deals. If that is illegal then so be it. Pirates take goods from others but that is usually done with ships. He is a thief not a pirate. He takes what others leave unguarded. Its easier to steal and take goods than to kill and take goods.

He never intended to make enemies. Or to choose one side above all. And so he left Harma and Archon Delaine's Kumo Crew after making a great reputation for himself there. Gaining ranks in both the Imperial and Federal navy doing special operations for them. They dont know he played both sides for his own profit. And never stays too long to make enemies for life. Just doing the job and donate some money to cover up the bad parts of the mess.

He has a strong affinity for pirates and smugglers and will sometimes join fights where their small factions are in danger of losing control of power. Just to ensure his Black Markets can stay open. He does realize that its an uphill battle in general. While having some aspiration to gain fancy titles with the Imperial navy. It sure has its benefits. Just dirty mercenary work pays best when its dirty and bloody. Easy jobs never pay the bills.