Cmdr Wei Cao
Adventurer / Any
Registered ship name
Queen of Wei
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Anaconda McROSF
Overall assets
G.O.M. Collective
Denton Patreus

Personal content

Real name
Wei Cao
Place of birth
Year of birth
177 cm / 5' 10"
85 kg / 187 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
My name is Wei Cao, alias Canorandir, and this is going to be a little autobiography of yours truly.

Due to an accident, my memory is partially damaged. I can't remember my childhood or even a place where I was born. And even then, I can't quite put a finger on many details afterwards.

Somewhere in the year 3305 I took to the stars in my loaned sidewinder. I've just finished my flight school, got my license and was about to experience the adventure of a lifetime. I can't quite remember what was i thinking, but I was so overwhelmed by emotions that I jumped the gun and went as far as I could...only to remember that the fuel is not as unlimited as my hunger for adventure. The ship's engine died, the systems shutdown and I stared blankly at the darkness of space, drifting without any idea what i could have done to prevent this. When the oxygen timer ran out, everything went blank.

I woke up, alive, at a station. Most probably it was the Serebrov Horizons at the Zhang Fei system. Maybe it was just a bad dream. Maybe something else. But since that day, i started to be more careful. Reading about rules in the Codex, asking older pilots for guidance. And I was not alone - I've found a few friends to accompany me, namely Attrexius, Ivalle and Worldedit. There were others, but we've parted ways soon enough. Together, we've flown around the systems and scrambled to take tasks that were beyond our abilities on our own. For me, I've picked up a small Adder and was hauling whatever could profit me from system to system - like the travelling merchants of old did. And at some point, I've bought myself a Cobra - my small little beauty of a ship. I've outfitted her as much as i could and took mercenary jobs with my friends. This ship had allowed me everything - from tasting the defeat and the vacuum of space when I was shot down, to the thrill of taking down a large pirate bosses in their Anacondas. Looking back now, perhaps these skirmishes were the reason I sought to buy that big whale of a ship, but that's not the point here.

While flying around the bubble and hunting for pirates of different factions, I've stumbled on a CD-54 9671, system controlled by The Elite Dragons. Although i was not a fan (and still I am not!) of such numerical names for systems, something has clicked with me. Was it the name of the faction? Was it the lights inside the Somayaji Terminal? I can't remember. But just after flying through the Coreolis gates, I've realized - this is going to be my forever home. And so, it is till this day.

The system was awesome. Attrexius and Worldedit both found out quite a few things about it soon. But before that, i bought a Python - a ship I've outfitted for pirate hunting and small deliveries. We were running around the neighborhood, hunting lawless bandits of all calibers - from low-threat harmless bastards all the way to Dangerous bosses with wings of fighters on standby. I've lost my canopy more than once during these scuffles, sometimes we had to turn around and run when things got dicey. But, somehow, we have survived, and became allied with a lot of groups around our home system - G.O.M, 51th Massila, others. At some point of time, Worldedit have found that Cd-54 9671 had a motherload of low temperature diamonds - and we took to the mining. Attrexius was having fun hunting for pirates and defending us, Worldedit was doing the main job, and I was helping as much as I could...we've made a small fortune doing that. After some time, I've finally bought that one ship I am still flying - the Anaconda, my Queen of Wei.

Or so i thought. When I've realized how much it would cost to outfit her to at least become the cornerstone of our wing in battle, I had to ask help from my friends. We went hunting, exploring, mining...all to outfit my lady to become as durable as she could. One day, I've decided to pay a visit to the engineers, but they wouldn't listen to me unless I gave them some goodies...which cost a lot and could be found only on the other side of the Bubble. Attrexius offered to help, but I couldn't rely on him that much, after all we've been through. So, I've made a small run. like 15 jumps to one side and then 20 back...i didn't know about neutron jumps back then and was shitless scared of those bluish things. Finally, after arriving in the system with an engineer, I was already counting how much it would cost me to clock everything up to eleven...and then i was interdicted. A lot of commanders were sitting there, waiting for pilots like me. I tried to run. I didn't even try to fight back. And that have cost me my ship, my goods and my faith in humanity. I was unconscious in the escape pod after I've seen her going up in a big round ball of fire and light.

The insurance has helped me to buy back the anaconda. We've stowed away enough cash for something like that. But I couldn't bear to look at that ship. It felt...different. I even painted her differently just to shake off the feeling. But I still couldn't force myself to fly again. In a desperate attempt to forget what had happened, I've went as far as i could away from the bubble...namely around 40 to 50 jumps. I parked my ship on surface and then I just went into hibernation on a nameless planet, which i don't even remember.

A few years have passed. In 3308 some kind of malfunction woke me up, so I've decided to stretch my legs. The way back was uneventful, although I was so rusty i nearly crushed full-speed on the landing pad at Somayaji. Bet the old dispatch was amused to see my name and "accidently crushed into the pad" in one line of report. I've done some missions and then decided to take on a life of a soldier. I was pretty good with rifles, so i got some missions in no time. But it didn't go great at first. I was blown in my SRV during a salvage mission, got knocked down during a safeguard mission, was chased out of a settlement by drones during an infiltration mission...but most importantly, I was alone. Noone was out there to back me up anymore. For the first time, it felt...empty. Like a vastness of space empty. Once again, I've went planet side, to rest for as long as i could. The world was abuzz with hysteria about Thargoids. Last time everyone were so on edge was when Colonia asked for resources back in the day...

The year is 3310. In the beginning of September, I decided to once again fly in a deep a black. I've enlisted in a few local civil wars, got myself acquainted with on-foot warfare. A few jumps here and there and I've managed to upgrade my equipment enough to be of an asset on a battlefield. I also managed to accept the Queen of Wei, her second iteration, as my one and only ship. I was lonely, so enlisted in a Squadron. The Elite Dragons are nowhere to be found in my home, so I've came to the faction with which i was allied back in the day. Hopefully, this time will be better.