Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
One of the more extreme examples of punk-inspired body modification, Beraug has augmented his human physiology with all manner of consumables, injections and surgeries designed to take away from his apparent human appearance, and add a more vicious, threatening, and overall monstrous visage. His wild looks are amplified by his choice of attire, generally chosen to make him seem larger and more imposing than his musclebound form already is, but nothing augments his almost bestial nature more than his renegade, mercenary personality. Already rough in his manner of speaking, his impulsive rationale and die-hard outlook on life, combined with his occupation for man-hunting, would be enough to make him seem the archetypal Bounty Hunter; his personal taste in surrounding himself with things that remind or resemble his frozen home planet lead him to portray a character that is as strong and fierce as a wild animal.

Name: Beraug Roschke
Alias/Callsign: "Frostmane"
Age: 29
Height: 2.0m (6' 7'')
Weight: 141 kg (311 lbs)
Body Composition: Extremely Musclebound
Eye Color: Cyan (Bio-luminescent Contacts)
Hair Color: Black
Skin Color: Pale Blue (Chemically Modified)

Place Of Birth: Kungo B2a
Home System: Kungo System
Martial Status: Single

Profession: Bounty Hunter
Political Affiliation: Independent
Powerplay Allegiance: None

A tower of herculean muscularity, Beraug stands well above the average height of his species, and is broader than most as well. With his tremendous physical strength, his sinewy muscles and veins are visible beneath the surface of his hairy, pale blue skin; the effects further enhanced by the balance of growth-inducing enzymes which supplement his natural physiological development. His frost-blue skin color is due to ingestible compounds designed as synthetic melanocytic modulators, and his cold-looking complexion is rendered complete by bio-luminescent contacts which give his eyes an icy cold cyan glow.

Beraug's facial features have been made possible through cosmetic cradiofacial surgery, using silicone-based integra as an autograpft to enhance predominant facial features such as the brows, nose and jaw, as well as inserting ridges to give a more aggressive, monstrous appearance. His teeth have also been modified through cosmetic dentistry, sharpening some teeth while replacing others, to give him fangs as well as extend his lower canines into small tusks. Covering his wide jaw is a heavy beard, lengthened and styled in wild clumps, with long strands hanging from the middle and sides of his chin. Beraug's eyebrows are thick and bushy, modeled to give him a perpetually grim expression; even when he expresses happiness or anger, there is always a somewhat comically aggressive overtone. His long black hair runs down nearly two feet, well past his broad shoulders, and has been divided into three long ponytails; two tight trails that fall down the sides and over his front, and one long one that spreads out and usually flows freely down his back.

His voice is naturally deep, featuring a guttural rumble when he talks in lower tones. In normal tones, his voice carries a harsh growl, making him sound stereotypically mercenary. Beraug's attitude is often standoffish in social environments, as he generally doesn't socialize with strangers. When he does have social interactions, his is gruff in speech and gesture, and not one to show niceties or politeness. When around those whom he is more respectful towards however, he adopts a more brotherly persona, though he continues to show little regard for the concept of maintaining personal distance or spacing.

Having undergone the most significant stage of brain development within the social confines of a gang, Beraug's mind has been greatly influenced by the perceptions and priorities that were ascribed by his fellow gang members. Over time however, and the accumulation of various experiences, he has adapted to the galaxy at large, and is now quite a different person than he was during his unguided youth.

Today, Beraug is mostly conscientious, especially when engaged in space flight, as his relatively inexperienced Pilot status makes him very much aware of his insignificance relative to galactic warfare, exploration and trade. The necessity for work has forced him to become organized and careful, though he often continues to show impulsive, less disciplined ways of thinking and acting, especially in stressful situations. In terms of agreeableness, Beraug is decidedly lacking: he is ruthless, suspicious, and often uncooperative, focused on self-preservation above all else. His skill at survival compliments these traits however, and he is highly situationally aware no matter where he is, in space or on the ground.

Hardly able to be considered neurotic in any way, he is often calm in regards to whatever situation he faces, though in intense combat he will let his anger override any thoughts of calm consideration. Beraug is very secure in himself and his interests, and self-satisfied with the progress he has made in achieving his goals. When it comes to openness, he is again lacking: he is an exceptionally practical realist who favors routine--though his trait of impulsivity often leads to him foregoing any set plans in favor of variety. Again, this helps him on an individual basis, as his ability to rapidly adapt to changes in his environment or situation enables him to survive far more effectively.

The archetype for independence, Beraug is self-sufficient, willing to hire himself out as a bodyguard, engage in legal or illegal trade, kill by combat or assassination or simply steal through armed robbery or looting in order to ensure his survival; though in all things, sufficient payment or reward is generally the determining factor for him. In addition to his natural tendencies however, he does have to deal with with more artificial factors: having started usage of his wide array of chemical supplementation at a young age, his body has adapted to the regimen of synthetic supplements, and minimized potentially harmful side effects from their use. However, the danger in stopping the usage of these drugs is significant, as it would likely result in a potentially long-term withdrawal period. Symptoms of withdrawal would be severe, if not crippling.

Born on a snow-covered homeworld, Beraug Roschke was raised by parents who were not often around to provide guidance or affection. Somewhat socially awkward due to having to find his own way, he became somewhat unfriendly to most people at a young age due to dissatisfaction with his position in the city of Schweinfurth's Pride. He eventually found kinship among the small number of gang-affiliated youths who were initiates in the Kungo Blue Hand Gang: an anarchistic-minded but mostly neutral group that had appeal, especially to those who were younger, by offering brotherhood between its members. Though like all gangs, ideals of recklessness, defiance, and selfishness were prevalent, they influenced Beraug in a rather positive way, by bringing about the desire for personal gain and accomplishment. Aided by the support he found from his fellow gang members, Beraug was driven to begin taking physically-enhancing substances at his young age, inspired by some of the more physically dominant enforcers of the gang. Further supplementing his drug usage with genuine exercise and a sufficient diet, these factors alone were sufficient to give rise to his current physical prowess.

When one day, a small group of the Blue Hand Gang decided to steal a somewhat notable amount of consumer goods from one of the docking and storage facilities, Beraug was involved. Spotted by Security Forces, the group was forced to retreat, and Beraug was separated from his fellow gang members. Coming across a bio-environmental dome that simulated the cold, snowy exterior world conditions in a controlled facility, Beraug buried himself into the snow in order to avoid thermal recognition. Among the other low-heat signatures within the organic preserve, he went undetected, and for a time he remained in the shelter. Though he initially went through a phase of shock due to the extreme temperature difference from the fully automated and climate-maintained facility, the exterior simulation habitat nevertheless provided everything he needed to survive for a day or two. Eventually he was discovered by scientists who were more familiar with bio-scanners, and forced to flee once again.

Returning to one of the Blue Hand Gang's gathering spots, he was complimented and held in awe by his fellow youths, who were astonished at his feat. Perceiving his own experience as not being that impressive, Beraug began testing himself by routinely visiting the bio-environmental facility, and spending single cycles living within the cold, controlled biome. As his experiences grew, so did his interest in environments that were so unlike the comfortably maintained city he had lived in his entire life. Acquiring single units of survival gear and equipment that went unnoticed by the station's Security, he began to challenge himself further than he had yet, by actually leaving Schweinfurth's Pride, and finding himself on the snow-covered, desolate expanse of the ice-covered world.

At first, his expeditions lasted less than an hour at a time. Over the course of three years however, he began to acclimatize, and was eventually proficient in surviving for weeks at a time outside the metal alloy walls of the city. Further augmenting his survival capabilities by watching vid-media that provided lessons on survival (primarily for the purpose of educating pilots who might crash land on planets with survivable, but potentially hostile environments), his skill reached a point where he felt it was possible to travel further into the wilderness than he had yet done. Such was it that nearly a year went by before he returned to Schweinfurth's Pride, intending to find work, and then find passage off of the cold, desolate world he had been born on.

Despite both his ability to survive somewhat comfortably in natural cold weather, and his large, intimidating physique, Beraug was still challenged when it came to making his way within the city. With no official education or certifications, trying to find legitimate work was an exceptionally difficult task. In the end it was his rugged physique that singled him out by a trade pilot looking for planet-side security, and thus was Beraug introduced to work that offered pay and experience more beneficial to his larger aim of leaving Schweinfurth's Pride for good. For another several years he continued to work as an independent contractor, offering his presence to various cargo pilots, some of whom carried less-than-legal goods, and even some who had small dealings with the Blue Hand Gang. Among his former gang members, Beraug had only a few close contacts who still knew him: sporting a full beard and long black hair, and a visage marred by roughness from years of living in the freezing cold, left the rest of the gang unable to recognize him.

Over time his security contracts began to expand from protection of goods and merchants, to protection of services. Often being hired as private muscle due to his continually growing physique and wild looks, he was eventually given a blaster to fulfill his duties, and from there began to see the vision of who he wanted to become. With sufficient credits to purchase a conversation with a Galnet representative, he was successful in having his name registered with the Pilots Federation, and received the starter loan package of a spaceship along with the recommendation of simple contracts.

Under his control, the loaned, common and inexpensive Faulcon DeLacy Sidewinter MKI performed well in training simulations, and Beraug's piloting abilities were considered average at worst, and slightly above average at best. Self-conscious of his mortality at the hands of his ship's capabilities, he was cautious in initially exploring his home system, and it was some time before he made his first Jump. Running data delivery for various organizations throughout the system, his reputation remained substandard while his skills and monetary account grew. Trading his ship's loaned equipment for more a more combat-capable configuration, he began taking missions that featured search and destroy objectives, as well as some which were simply assassinations. Though his presence remained neutral, Beraug had no hesitating in accepting contracts that were less than legal.

His path was now set before him, as these trends have continued to the current day. Beraug is now a more experienced pilot, regularly accepting missions involving the tracking (or hunting, by his own terminology) and termination of individuals. Adopting the title of Bounty Hunter, and beginning to spend his credits on aesthetics designed to lend him a more unique presence among others of his profession, Beraug took the call-sign "Frostmane", and continues to make his way in the galaxy searching for fame--or infamy.