Personal content

Real name
Harold Sackoski
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Pilot's Federation Official Pilot's Bio:  CMDR Harold Sackoski

Born on [REDACTED] in the [REDACTED] System in the year 3268.  Graduated from Imperial Naval Academy, Class of 3290, as a Gu-97 pilot, call sign "Nutz."  Received shipboard assignment on [REDACTED], flagship of the [REDACTED] fleet.   Involved in "Aggressive Police Action" at [REDACTED] Orbital; awarded Distinguished Flying Star for Gallantry for placing his own craft in the path of a torpedo that would otherwise have destroyed a Clipper whose shields had failed.  (Yeah, 'cause I totally flew into the path of that torpedo on purpose... sure, lets just go with that).  Released from service in 3300 as "excess to mission requirements."   (Yeah, that's a mil-speak way of saying that I made my superiors look stupid, so they paid me not to re-up at the end of my tour).  

Upon leaving the service, CMDR Sackoski used his separation bonus to join the Pilot's Federation and buy a stock Sidewinder.  A few weeks of chartered trading (aka schlepping crap from one craphole to another) saw CMDR Sackoski with enough liquid assets to trade up to a Cobra MkIII and outfit it for combat to pursue a career as a bounty hunter.  He then spent the next year in the Tau-3 Eridani system protecting the helpless miners from the cruel predations of uncouth pirates and other assorted ruffians. (Honestly, I probably have more in common with the uncouth pirates and assorted ruffians than with corporate sharks and the boring ass miners who work for them, but the corporate suits and their pet politicians pay better.)  

From time to time, CMDR Sackoski has tried his hand at other professions, but boredom always eventually drives him back to combat flying.  After a short stint as a professional miner (Claim jumping! Who said anything about claim jumping?!? It was a perfectly honest job, honest!) CMDR Sackoski became the proud owner of a fully combat capable, gold-plated Imperial Cutter which has already claimed several Thargoid Interceptor kills in his capable hands.

When asked about his ultimate career goals, CMDR Sackoski responded that he one day hopes to have the financial and physical security to travel the galaxy in complete luxury. (Horse-hocky!  What I said was that I want my own personal Majestic Class Interdictor, crewed entirely by beautiful women in sheer, skintight shipsuits!)