Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color

Name: Daria Giyari
Nicknames: Dasha, Giy
Sex: Female
DoB/Age: 7th January 3277
Height/weight: 5'2"/116.5lb
Build: Slim, slight, athletic.
Eye Color: Light blue
Hair Color: Silver, an after effect of bad air filtration in early life.
Birthplace: Achenar, Dawes Hub
Occupation: Bounty hunter/Freelancer. She'll take most jobs if the pay's good enough.
Marital Status: Single
Political Affiliation: Empire
Immediate Relatives: Jansen Giyari (father), Gretel Giyari (Mother)

Notable features: Traditional designs tattooed in blue around her lips and under her eyes, and over her neck and chest.

Background: Dasha, a tearaway rebel with a spirit of fire and a temper to match. She's a true adrenaline junkie, for her life isn’t worth living if you’re not living on the edge. It's this outlook that lead her into the life of Bounty Hunting...

Born into a fairly poor family in the heart of Imperial space, she had a comfortable childhood at least. Sure her parents were always one bill away from slavery, but it never quite got that bad, they always managed to find the creds when they needed it... just.

It's from this upbringing, the insecurity of not knowing if you would have a home next month, or if you might have to do labour to afford that new air pump for clean air ventilation. It was the dreaming as a rich Lord or Lady visited their station, their shining white ships sailing effortlessly through the docking bay letterbox. It was all of this that spurred Dasha to take the chance, and to fly before she could even run.

Her first opportunity came thanks to pure chance. Dasha stumbled across a drunk passed out on her walk home from working at a local bar. She'd seen his face earlier on a holo flashing across the info boar, he was some small time pirate guy. Apparently he'd been harassing miners two systems over. After a quick rummage through his pockets and "acquiring" his blaster, ship keys, Dasha managed to hold him till the authorities arrived.

10,000 creds up and now the owner of her very own heap of crap Sidewinder, he set out to make a name for herself hunting out small time bounties with a couple of friends in tow.

The three fledgelings worked their way across the galaxy, eventually reaching the borders of Alliance space where events crumbled their operation.  Now alone and even more reckless than before as she does everything she can to bring those responsible down, Dasha keeps up her chosen career, vengeful for her friends.

When she’s not beating both pirate ships and her own into scrap, Dasha can be found regularly causing trouble for other hunters at the local boards, chasing some sort of illicit "romance" or she’s alone, quietly reading, in whatever ship she currently calls home. It’s perhaps the only time other than when she’s asleep to catch Dasha looking peaceful.

  • She's not the strongest fighter, but what she lacks in force she makes up for in accuracy and speed as she tries to outwit her opponents with quick movements. She's tough, and can take a punch just as well as any other fighter, but she'd much rather avoid them to begin with.
  • Growing up poor, you learn how to make things work for you, even if their intended purpose was for something else. Dasha has quite a good understanding of code and electronics, giving her the skills needed to hack into standard doors, basic interface pads, and disable standard systems.

  • Tech: Dahsa is all about mobility rather than brute strength, and as such her flight suit has been modified with some fairly useful enhancements, giving her extra mobility in zero/low G environments and a slight upper hand in normal G atmospheres. Built into her hips are spools of high tensile cable attached to magnetic harpoon darts. This cable apparatus allows her to secure herself to the hull of ships, reel herself onto surfaces, and change direction mid flight in zero G. Furthering this mobility theme, her suit also features a gas based propellant system, letting her "jet" through zero G conditions, and allowing extra height to her jumps and speed to her steps in low G.

    Weaponry: Her only personal armament is a small plasma repeater pistol. Her pistol has a few settings; single shot, burst, and full auto; as well as stun, low power, and overcharge shot mode. Instead of ammo, her pistol uses a heatsink based system which must be vented after every "mag" is used to prevent injury to the wielder.

    Current Ship: Reptile: A bright green Viper III that Dasha "acquired" in an auction sale after it's owner found themselves on the wrong side of the law. It's fast, well armed, and sturdy enough to last in the face of all out combat.


    Commander Giyari! I'm a bounty hunter mostly, also spend a lot of time doing mission boards in and around Inara System. I'm a PvE pilot, but I'm not averse to PvP every now and again. I prefer smaller faster ships, much more fun to fly!

    Feel free to send me a friend request in or out of game. I'd adore having more people to wing up with, this game is so much more fun with other people.[/li]