Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
(o.o.c. note:  I am new to this game and universe so any advice is appreciated   I am reading Drew Wagar's  Reclamation to get started as well as a lot of online resources.  But I also appreciate character development advice and corrections if I step too far afield with canon.  I may add some elements from Peter F. Hamilton's universe, especially when it comes to re-life because that is how I can justify respawning in game.)

Full Name: Alivar Gold
Nickname: Maestro
Orientation: Hetrosexual
Age: 57 standard years
Place of Birth: LHS 3447, Trevithick Dock
Marital Status: Widower
Description: Race: Caucasian, Eyes: Br, Hair: Br (greying at the temples), Build Medium (slight paunch).  (typical "Dad" build"

Early Life:
As a young man, Alivar loved to race.  He started with two-wheeled land vehicles.  Soon he was tinkering and tweaking to get his bike to go a bit faster, or handle a bit better.  Eventually he moved on to sailing, and loved working on the hull and sail trim to get the best speed he could out of the small one or two-man boats he could race in.  But he dreamt of racing in space.

At school Alivar always excelled in his classes except mathematics, for some reason he would get behind near the beginning of the course and could never seem to catch up.  In his final year of primary school, Alivar had a special opportunity to attend, half time, a trade technical school to learn to repair small intra-system craft.  This was very unusual for a kid in primary school but was a special program.  His classmates were older, some as much as ten or twenty years older than he, and many of them were veterans from one military unit or another.  They were all big guys, mostly with bushy beards, and they wore faded and tattered leathers, most of them with the words "Humpers R/C" and a cartoon rabbit on the back.  His teacher, a short man with a huge waxed moustache named Marty Dickerson took young Alivar under his wing.

One day a huge set of crates was delivered to Alivr's class.  It turned out to be a completely dismantled sidewinder that someone had donated to the school.  liar cold not believe the opportunity that had arisen, as a young boy, he could always put together anything he had taken apart, but here was a real challenge.  Mr. Dickerson said, yes, he could try his hand at re-assembling the engine and see where it went from there.  Alivar downloaded the ervice manuals and began the task.

3 months later, on the test stand came the big day, would the engine light off?  Would it explode? Would it just it there because of some mistake he made deep in the engine's bowels?  It was the moment of truth.  With his classmates around him he keyed in the start sequence and she fired to life!  That weekend his classmates took Alivar out to a huge party on the banks of a nearby river. Thought the looked like fantasy pirates, there were actually a racing club.

By the end of the course, the sidewinder was completely re-assembled, Alivar had gotten lots of help from his classmates and upon gradation, Mr Dickerson presented Alivar with the documentation, while the school could not give the ship to Alivar, they could loan it to him...

Early Naval Career:
After school, Alivar weighed his options and enlisted in the Federation Navy.  He went to technical shool and learned to maintain and service small fighter craft and their systems.  After Boot Camp, Alivar was able to keep his sidewinder with him and began racing.  Every spare moment he got, Alivar was either out on the courses practicing, working on getting his small ship to go faster and handle better, or engaged in Novice-class races.  Alivar graduated technical school at the top of his class and was assigned to serve on the Farragut.

After a short while aboard the Farragut, Alivar came to the attention of the executive officer.  His son was also a novice racer and had told him that one of his young petty officers was rising through the class pretty fast and was pretty good.  The X.O. had a look at Alivar's record and saw that he was also a good tech and one day called Alivar into his office for a chat. An hour later Alivar left the office with an application to enroll in a post-secondary education program, permission to bring and stow his sidewinder Karma on board the Farragut, and even a few hundred credits to make improvements to Karma (a sponsorship from the Captain of the Farragut) and an application to compete in Navy Racing Championships - light-mass intermediate class - in three months time.

Post Secondary Education:
The application for the education program took longer to process than expected, after two years serving on the Farragut, working to repair sensors and weapons control systems on the fighters, and racing his sidewinder at many ports of call, Alivar was transferred, with full scholarship, to Felicity Farseer's prestigious engineering academy in the Deciat System.  While there, Maestro did well in his classes, though mathematics was still a bit troublesome for him, after 4 years, he managed to graduate top of his class.  While studying there Alivar continued to race Karma, his loaned sidewinder, and eventually earned the nickname "Maestro" for the way he skillfully conducted his races.  Alivar rose through the intermediate class to eventually join the Experts in the light-mass class.

Later Military Career:
After graduation, "Maestro" had an obligation to the Federation Navy of service for 6 years to pay back his scholarship.  The Navy had a program of high stealth ships, using an esoteric propulsion system (the toxicity of the waste from which was, and still is, quite controversial).  These vessels were not the fastest, but they could conduct covert surveillance, and if needed, destroy a vessel of much larger size without the crew for that vessel ever knowing she was there.  Unfortunately,  there was no room so stow Karma on board so Alivar left her in storage back in his home system of LHS 3447.

During his years in the service, Alivar visited many exotic ports throughout the galaxy and had many adventures on the three vessels he served aboard.  During a refit period, Alivar met his wife to be, Naomi, and began a new part of his life.  Naomi was a secondary school teacher at one of the larger Navy yards near where she was born, Six months after meeting Naomi, Alivar transferred to a new vessel and on a lark, Naomi followed him out to his new home-port.  Six months after that, Alivar was about to depart on a year-long deployment.  Naomi as to return home to her teaching, and they discussed their future.  They discussed the pros and cons of the lives of a military family, and eventually decided that Alivar should resign his commission, and at the end of this cruise, they should be wed.

Early Engineering Career:
Naomi met Alivar at the final spaceport of his year-long final cruise and they were wed a week later in her home town.  Alivar went to conferences for several industries he was interested and landed a job as a design engineer at a company specializing in communications.  His first project involved technology that had not yet been standardized and that led him to working within the galactic standards setting organization to create the standards which ensure interoperability between various systems.  This beginning was to set the pace for the remainder of his engineering career.  After five years with that first company, Alivar was invited to become the Director of Engineering at a major design firm.

Later Engineering Career:
Over the next 15 years, Alivar led the design of 3 major breakthrough technologies while he and Naomi raised three fine boys.  Alivar's work in galactic standards continued and he eventually came to the notice of the federation government who invited him to come to Mars and work at the Federation Intitute of Standards and Technology (FIST), (the Federation's science lab) where breakthrough applied and basic science was conducted and the work of standards continued.  Al through his, Alivar continued his passion for racing and never got around to returning the loaned Sidewinder but continued to build and improve it as he moved through the ranks from Intermediate to Expert racer.  Then Alivar's life took a tragic turn.

Recent Past: