Cmdr Suhono
Courier / Diplomat
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Overall assets
Sisters of Meropis

Personal content

Real name
Arini Suhono
Place of birth
Epsilon Eridani
Year of birth
153 cm / 5' 0"
54 kg / 119 lb
Build type
Skin color
Light brown
Hair color
Eye color
Galactic Standard/Epsilon Eridanian
Commander Arini Suhono was born on New California in the Epsilon Eridani system to a wealthy merchant family in 3277. Despite her family being recent migrants to the independent star system, she enjoyed immense prestige and privilege as a child, essentially treated as royalty and given access to the highest quality education possible. She wanted for nothing, and her family firmly resided within the top one percent of New California's upper class, living in one of its towering citadels at a tropical latitude. A product of genetic engineering, she excelled at all endeavours she set her mind to during her youth.

In 3285, Arini’s parents underwent a religious conversion and were persuaded by the Guardians of the Free Spirit, a group of religious zealots from Van Maanen's Star, to sell their worldly possessions and move to toil beneath the icy, barren surface of Major, one of the worlds in the Guardians' home system. In 3288, aged 11, the young Arini ran away from her parents, escaping aboard a cargo ship carrying the fruits of her parents' labour and determined to flee Van Maanen's Star. Her escape was barely a success, and knowing the consequences her departure would have for her parents, it represented perhaps the most traumatizing experience of the young girl's life.

For several years, she wandered among the galaxy's outposts and orbital stations, occasionally being mentored by various pilots and traders, but seldom staying in one place for very long. Alone and frightened at first, she developed a cold, resilient exterior, but under the tutorage of a university professor from Alioth, she also developed a reputation for being a thoughtful and well-spoken observer and listener. She frequently found employ as a spy, eavesdropping on conversations, blending into crowds, and stealing information while remaining undetected. At the same time, Arini took formal training as a starship pilot, and under mysterious circumstances, was recruited for the Pilots Federation in the late 3290s.

By 3302, she had passed the final examination to become a full-fledged Commander in the Pilots Federation, and had also shed her given name, simply going by her family's old surname. Not long after, following the death of her old mentor, Commander Suhono migrated to Alioth herself and began working for various Alliance news agencies as an investigative journalist. She also flew for the Alliance Office of Statistics in multiple roles, most notably as an explorer. In early 3303, Suhono joined the Elite Federation of Pilots due to her noteworthy exploration work and discovery of numerous Earth-like worlds while working for the AOS.

However, a deep longing to see other parts of the civilized galaxy led Suhono, just as she was beginning to earn fame in Alioth, to quietly move to the Empire, where she found work as an independent journalist and investigator in Cubeo III’s sprawling ecumenopolis. A chance encounter on Cubeo III led Suhono to the Meropis system, close to the heart of the Empire, where she soon became immersed in the teachings of the mysterious, centuries-old Sisters of Meropis, a religious order that had once dominated the system's culture but faded away under mysterious circumstances. Not long after, Suhono took vows as a member of the revived Sisters of Meropis, becoming the first new Sister in almost a century. Upon becoming a Sister, Suhono also reclaimed her old given name, Arini. She also used her newfound role as a Sister of Meropis to provide guidance to war refugees on Cubeo III, and at the conclusion of the conflict, permanently migrated to the Meropis system, where she played a pivotal role in reestablishing the Sisters as a flourishing religious order and cooperative society.

Her religious awakening did not halt her work as a pilot or investigator — on the contrary, it imbued it with a higher purpose. She largely renounced violence and worked to establish the Sisters as the ruling government in the Meropis and Ipilyaqa systems. Her last major accomplishment was to fly a ship full of her fellow Sisters, the Astral Dream Collector, to Beagle Point, and safely return them to Meropis. Retired from the Pilots Federation as a full-time pilot in late 3305, Sister Arini Suhono lives on Anna Ceri in the Meropis system with her monastic community. She is said to enjoy drinking tea imported from across the galaxy, reading crime novels from the Old Worlds, and playing 21st century-style Earth baseball as a left-handed knuckleball pitcher. Her fleet is mothballed aboard Laura Elizabeth station and her wealth used to maintain the Sisters' community on Anna Ceri. In recent years, she is quiet and reserved, her conscience haunted, presumably by her brief-but-intense Pilots Federation career.