Cmdr Julio Montega
Pirate / Freelancer
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Registered ship ID
Mamba ESD-15
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*a flickering masked figure fills overshadows the profile of CMDR Julio Montega*
"You might wonder why this entry is even existant,
let me tell you i want to let you know how anyone can
choose the life of a shadow, a distant figure behind the schemes.

Did you ever wonder why people turn to "pirates"?
Hear me out, if you browse my "biography" and entries
in the pilot's fed' you got time anyways, so back to
the topic.

Why did i turn "pirate"?
First off, "pirate" means something to you,
and something totally different to me.
Want to know more? Of course you do!

A "pirate" is not a pirate, but a free person,
ever wondered why the big 3 always want to control stuff
and spoil the fun of people?

Control, social engineering, coming close to perfecting
their system to make YOU believe, free people are pirates.
They train you from childhood onwards to be perfect little
automatons of THEIR society.

They want YOU to be a tool, a perfect little robot doing the dirty work
for THEM. Are YOU free if you follow THEIR instructions?
Hell no! You are just doing as you are supposed to.

When i was a little boy my parents took me on a planetary shuttle trip
on Psamathe's capital, to the "outback" of said planet.
Can you imagine what the beauty of leaving behind safety
of "civilized" cities, breaking through layers of clouds,
to see the far and wild regions' beauty can kick off?

It is like you fly on angel's wings, through heavens,
from one to seven, just hanging above everything that clouds
your mind, your existence. A glimpse of freedom,
a taste of insecurity and beauty to behold.
The clouds, forming landscapes of shifty presence,
showing you possibilities of what the planet below
might have looked like in the past, before colonization.

The sheer excellence of creation at its rawest,
that is what inspires awe and urges to go on.
The landscapes of the wilderness are beautiful,
intimidating and drawing you onwards, as you hike
from plain to mountain, from spring to delta.

What beauty might hold space then?
A cold clutch? Your heart stopping, as air and heat
radiates into the void? No, it is the breath of life,
the essence of what we were meant to be:
Free and exploring, gazing at the present, past and future.
Do what we want to, and live at our best.

When i returned from that trip, i went straight to flight school,
i worked double time, to just pay the bills and learn to be a pilot,
from there i went to certificate myself as CMDR of the piot's fed',
but all i got was a lousy badge and another glimpse at a tamed wilderness,
soon to be "civilized", restrained and doomed to die under humanity's
ever existant blighting grasp, even going for the stars now.

I wanted the stars to keep their shine, their glooming lure
of freedom to me.
When my parents left me at my relatives on the planetside again,
just to do what they were supposed to, transporting goods belonging
to a super corporation, something died in me.
I think it was my naivitee, thinking that a regulated life in space would allow
me freedom.
But it was not what i wanted...

I did not want to stay a little gear in the big galactic machine,
i wanted freedom.
The only logical conclusion was to stick to do day to day work,
to pay for refuel & repair, get lucky to earn some buffer cred's to do
the leap of faith, becoming self sufficient and becoming a name to be reconned.

I admit, life in freedom is hard, most people do not know what to do with it,
but i had a vision. I wanted to earn my payment the way i liked,
to stay at distance from civilization, to see untouched places and their beauty.
I have gone rogue, in time i had to rob people for their cargo,
to pay my bills and have no ties anywhere.

But what i learned along the way was this simple lesson:
Whatever people buy, by using money, does not belong to them,
it is a simple piece of machinery from the galaxy machine that drives
the rush to "civilized" slavery. It is not property, but a burden, people
do not recognize as one.

They just follow dead ends, working to keep the galaxy machine, economy, running.
Their life is meaningless, so i had to force them to overthink what they are doing.
By robbing them of the goods they carry, dumping them at off-space ports
for some cheap money, i sting the "economy" each time a little.
My hope is with people to see this, to start thinking again and working
to stay alive, not staying a gear that is oiled by blood money.

The poorest people become the best thiefs and survivalists,
that is where i started, that is my vision.
To get people to acknowledge that there is no need
for money, if we all share, if we cooperate and do
what we can do best, to start thinking and breathing again.

Yet some refuse, they have to learn the hard way.
Freedom is a oneway road, live to win and die to inspire.
Break your chains and start your brain up."

*The shadowy masked figure disappears, leaving the entry dry and informative*

Julio Montega
Son of Federico Montega and Emanuela Lorca
Born 12:00 o'clock 23rd February 3272 on Psamathe, Kapp Terminal
CMDR status confirmed since 3294
Male human, non aristocratic
Rated dangerous, fines and bounties actively issued