Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
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Eye color
Name: Herbert Jacques Glaboski
Alias(es): Ryan Jones
Occupation: Medical Doctor and Medical Research
Age: 38
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 185 lbs
Build: Slender
Affiliation: Black Omega
Personality: Dr. Glaboski is a brilliant scientist and medical physician. He is refined, clean cut and relies on his persona of being an outstanding member of society. He is a versed diplomat and has commanded much respect within the Medical community.

However, that is what he wants you to see. He is a narcissistic egomaniac. He views the moral scruples of medicine as being "limiting" and has conducted illegal research to "further the cause of medicine." Glaboski abhors torture and causing pain, and so he will use anesthetics during his "exploratory" research; he by all means does not value life.

He will do whatever he can to manipulate people and situations to give him the upper hand.

Glaboski favors the finer things in life. Clothing, dining, anything that would denote him as a man of value.