Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
172 cm / 5' 8"
68 kg / 150 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Brown / Shaved
Eye color
I grew up a small town kid on a sparsely populated agricultural world in Federation space with hardly anything exciting to mention from my childhood. I was a regular kid with a good upbringing and good parents. What we lacked in wealth they made up for with love (corny I know, but true). I went to school, I was a decent student; looking back now I probably should have tried a little harder and if I knew then what I know now I definitely would have. I knew from a pretty young age I wanted to get out of where I grew up, it had been my dream for a long time to leave; not because I didn’t love my family or I had any spite towards them but I just could not see myself staying on my homeworld my whole life. As I said, we didn’t have a lot of money so I had never been into space my whole life until I joined the military. So, on to that.

As my parents were not wealthy, and I really wasn’t much of an achiever during my schooling, I figured there was really only one option for me to be able to get off my homeworld – join the military. I went through the recruiting process as soon as I was able in the hopes that one day I would be able to pilot my own starship but actually I was just happy at the possibility that I was going to be going somewhere, leaving my homeworld, and seeing other systems. I did well in my military testing and training and settled on a career in the intelligence agency with a specific focus on counterterrorism.

[FOR CIVILIAN INDEPENDENT PILOT ROLEPLAY - i.e. when I want to try exploring, mining, smuggling, and everything else ED has to offer]

My time in the military wasn’t bad, I loved my job, I met some great people, and just as I had wanted to do I traveled around and was able to see different systems and worlds, ones that I had only read about or heard about or seen at school in holobooks or on Galnet. I learned a lot of cool things too and doing the counterterrorism work was very rewarding. During my time in the military I took it upon myself to take advantage of the free schooling opportunities and started my trek towards become a licensed pilot. This now was my ultimate goal. I enjoyed my time in the military but I was also ready to get out. I knew I could make a lot more money out of the military now with my training, especially if I were to be an independent pilot.

After one re-enlistment and serving seven years in the military, and three deployments, I had finally got to the point where I was ready to get out. I finished up my pilots license training and education and was ready to be recognized by the Pilots Federation. I gained my “wings” and had saved up enough in the military that I was able to afford a Sidewinder. Thus my true journey began, and here I am now a couple of years into being out on my own as an independent pilot and I am loving it. While I am grateful of the chance I had to serve in the military with the Federation, I wouldn't be where I am today had I not, I am also excited about the future and being out on my own as a free and independent person. I have severed all ties and allegiance to the Federation - not out of spite or anything, but I just never was one of those either you're one of us or you're nothing type of people and now I truly want to be independent.