Personal content

Real name
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Born in 3275, CMDR CypherST162, Real Name [Redacted] was born on Cubeo 3, to a decently wealthy Imperial family. Not Royalty, by any means, but fairly well respected in top circles. He decided to go and get his Pilots Federation licence in the latter half of 3302, and quickly rose through the ranks with the Imperial Navy Reserve. Later, He decided to go and join the Federal Navy, Mainly for the ships, something that didn't sit well with his family at first, but he explained his reasons and they agreed. Right now, He owns 6 Vessels, and is worth at least a billion credits. He is currently serving with DRTY Company, As a Mercenary. He reached Elite Trader rank earlier this year, with the other two not far behind. He hasn't forgotten his Imperial roots, and Frequently travels home to visit. Cubeo Authorities are familiar with his main ship, the Stormcrow, even though it's a fed ship, Because he's a respected imperial citizen, He'll always be welcomed with open arms at home.