Personal content

Real name
Katherine Hadley Exeter
Place of birth
Year of birth
5 cm / 0' 2"
4 kg / 9 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Ice green
You realize very soon that when they say "simulation" they mean it. Simulation as in...your actions have consequences...and costs. You can't charge through the world as if the rules do not apply to you, because suddenly, very...very tangibly...they do. Where it hurts—I was bankrupt for the first few months of attempted flight thanks to some bad gig choices. Or bad flying. Or both. Coming from other worlds of adventure where choices had arguable consequences, I came to enjoy this world greatly. Years later, I still don't know *all* of the rules. But I do know the basics. And that's enough to make me feel competent as a pilot in a beautifully rendered, staggeringly vast universe. While my ships have spent their share of time in the docks, I have consistently returned to take them for a spin, and I think that says something neat about this marvelous thing we're all participating in.

As the years go by, I feel a profound sense of purpose. As this universe grows and expands, so do I with it, without my knowledge. Communities assemble and connect. Homebases are planted, politics rages on much like in real life, and everyone goes about their business...earnest in a craft of money making, or adventuring, or learning. There's a lot in this place to learn about patience. Perseverance and time reap immensely satisfying rewards.

I'm very glad I'm here in this universe. And I very much enjoy looking out into the stars, across uncharted galaxies. What more can a gal ask for?

Fly safe and talk later.