Personal content

Real name
Zari Kingsly
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Not consistan, born brunette
Eye color
Emerald green
SOL scottish
[CMDR data downloading from Pilots federation files]
Name:jonathan "JK" kingsly-heartson
Prefered name: JKingsly or Kingsly
Age: 20
Cybernetic enhancements: Left eye implant, Enhanced right eye
Hair: Brown, dyed pink-purple
Skin: Pale
Current profession:  Freelancing Merc

CMDR background:
Kingsly started off as a miner, fed up with the still harsh conditions of the mine, he joined the pilots federation. Later earning enough by doing cargo runs Kingsly found his place when he was interdicted by pirates, after destroying them and reaching his destination, he set himself to become a freelancer, working for any one who pays, combat to smuggling runs, Kingsly will takeup just about any job.

CMDR personality:
CMDR Kingsy shows signs of difficulty in social interaction and seems to be difficult to earn their trust, however, after earning his trust he seems laid back

CMDR Health background
CMDR shows signs of paranoia, PTSD and other minor health problems

Registered ship:
Dawnbreaker - ASPX

Current and outstanding infractions:
Federation space: Murder of several Pilots (Bounty paid), destruction of ground equipment (Bounty paid), trespassing on protected property.

[CMDR Data transfer ended]

Writer notice:
Greetings CMDR's I have been thinking of streaming Kingsleys adventures (however bad it maybe) if you ever want to watch, I have a Mixer account for streaming
Stay safe CMDR's o7