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The depth of space is immense you know. Sometimes the vast emptiness can almost consume you. I looked into the deep dark, speckled with stars, through the canopy of my FDL. Every single one of those stars was now within reach. As a child, I could only dream of such freedom. Growing up in the Empire taught me many things. First and foremost, you were to put forth your best image, and you were always to keep your emotions in check. Anything you did would reflect on your family and the Empire.

As a child I often didn't have much food, but I always had the best clothes and the best tutoring on the ways of the Empire. I was taught of the rich history of the Duvals and how Henson Duval founded the glorious Empire with the declaration in 2314. I was taught of the pilots of the Empire that struck out across the stars and made sure that we were safe. I was taught of the horrible conditions of the Federation, and how they mongered for war and hated us all and I of course learned of the Thargoids and the great wars to expunge them from the galaxy.

My grandfather would tell me of my great, great, great grandfather and the time that he had been captured by the Thargoids and escaped by the skin of his teeth Or the time he himself had witnessed both the opening and closing of the War of Fire Fade. He had been at Tsiolkovsky Ring, when it was rocked by explosions and depressurized, leaving thousands dead. He joined up Immediately with the Imperial Military and managed to witness the crashing of the re-purposed, ancient Daemon class cruiser Proditores into the rebel base on the moon of the sixth planet of the system.

As time went on, I learned that many things I thought were true, were of course, false. Life was not black and white and the Empire was not sacrosanct. However, I still dreamt of travelling to all of those stars that I saw when I was younger. The stories of my childhood stayed with me and drove me to strive to get out there. One day I got the chance, as I found a Sidewinder for sale at an incredible price. It was a fixer upper, but it gave me the opportunity I had been looking for. It was a chance to fulfill my dreams and to make my own path. My whole life I had been constrained to one planet. Finally, I would venture forth and make a name for myself out there amongst the stars.

People often ask me why I pledged to Princess Aisling Duval. They ask me why under no circumstances will I trade slaves or even Imperial slaves.

After I got my ship, I went everywhere. From Brundage Dock in Daibo to Hutton Orbital, I was a wanderer. I had no desires besides an unquenchable thirst to experience the galaxy. Then, one day I met Tanvir while I was stopped at the local pub at Lagerkvist Gateway in Synteini. He was a hardworking man, at his second job of the day at the bar, working to pay off an immense debt. He had a daughter named Calanthe. A month before, she had collapsed to the floor in pain; she had to have a new heart. Though Tanvir had savings built up, he was unable to pay his bill. I was there the day he decided to became an Imperial Slave. While it was his choice, his daughter certainly didn't understand and no words could dry her tears. After that, I decided that I would never allow myself to get in such a situation as Tanvir and started smuggling everything but people. Through smuggling, I was able to eventually build up enough credits to buy multiple ships and to never have to worry about meeting the same fate as poor Tanvir. However, I still couldn't get him off my mind.

A few months later, while delivering a load to Sterny's Refuge in Munshin, I happened across an informational pamphlet from Princess Aisling Duval. She understood, that stagnation, particularly involving slavery, would eventually tear apart the Empire. She understood that people are important and should never be treated as commodities. She was a Duval, heir to the Achenar Empire, which through everything, I still loved. Though I hated some aspects of the Empire, including slavery, I knew the wonderful achievements and greatness that the Empire had achieved. I of course knew of Aisling Duval. My family had always been loyal to the Duval family. Harold Duval had even shook hands with my father years ago after a visit to Emerald in the Cemiess system.

I had never really thought about Imperial Slavery before though, and never really paid attention to politics. Now, however, it was different. Now, I had a reason to care. I never wanted to see another family destroyed because of slavery. With the heir to the Imperial throne, I saw hope. I saw why my family had always trusted the Duvals and had always instilled in me a sense of pride in serving them. The Duvals, who had led the Empire for so long, always found a way to adapt. They always found a way to push forward into the future. And with Princess Aisling, I saw hope. I saw a way forward for the Empire, a way free from the mistakes of the past. With Princess Aisling Duval, I would be an agent for change.