Cmdr August Mckenna
Diplomat / Smuggler
Registered ship name
Terminal Leverage
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Python AUG-4V
Overall assets
Black Omega
Archon Delaine

Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Name: Mckenna, August Sean
DOB: 06 October 3268
Celebi Prospect, Mehurs 1, Mehurs
HT: 5'10" (178cm) WT: 215lb (102kg) Build: Heavy
Scars/Tatoos: stylized devil head w/ crossed wrenches, right bicep
Known Aliases:  "Auggie", "Auggie Mac", "Auggie the Mechanic" Last Known Location:  Not Available

Assessed by psychological and personality profile:

3284 - August McKenna displays Alpha tendencies, but is an underachiever at best. Given a task, he will complete it, but will fall into boredom and then mischief if idle.
3286 - Intelligent, with superlative mechanical aptitude, the subject could excel in any number of endeavors and he will be the first to tell you that. No decision toward a single career path.
3290 - Driven and attentive in his work, but due to a disdain for interactive settings bordering on social anxiety, the subject rarely applies a full effort toward a collective outcome.

Criminal proceedings:

3284 - Malicious Mischief, Breach of Peace - Mehurs 1 - administrative punishment, local magistrate
3285 - Loitering, Breach of Peace - Mehurs 1 - charges dismissed, local magistrate
3286 - (2)Theft by Blackmail, Hacking (private network) - Schroeder Dock, Mehurs - 30 days Station Lock-up
3290 - (12) Smuggling, (4) Violation of Station Space - Ansari Terminal, Andhrimi - unresolved, Imperial warrant issued
3294 - (32) Smuggling, (2)Violation of Station Space - Onnes Gateway, LFT 37 - unresolved, Imperial warrant issued
3296 - (14)Smuggling, (4)Assault on System Security - Ansari Terminal, Andhrimi - unresolved, Imperial warrant issued
3299 - Piracy, (3)Assault on System Security, (2)Destruction of Imperial Property - Nagaybaks - unresolved, Imperial warrant issued

Investigative Synopsis : McKenna, August Sean
Gustav Holtstad, Interstellar Factors Office, Filipchenko Hub  | KAPPA PHOENICIS

Born of the Pegasi and destined for criminality. Only child of Gleason and Mary Catherine McKenna.
Gleason McKenna, sole proprietor of Pegasi Quantum Logistics LLC, a shipping contractor headquartered in Mehurs. Deceased, 3284.
Mary Catherine McKenna, dock agent for Mehurs Jet Creative Corp. Deceased, 3299.

Primary and secondary education records reveal above average scholastic performance.
No continued education records listed.
Pilot's Federation Certification: 3288

It's almost cliche', but the demise of his father coincided with his first brush with local planetside authorities. The often harsh disciplinarian Gleason McKenna removed from the subject's life, combined with the mysterious circumstances surrounding his death led to the younger McKenna lashing out. Gleason McKenna respected entrepreneur, pillar of the local community would leave port innocently enough, but made his real money on his supposed two week "trade" junkets via smuggling and war zone profiteering along the fringes of Imperial territory. He was killed via ship to ship engagement, 10 May 3284, near an Independent outpost under Imperial blockade.

For August McKenna a growing criminal history and wanted status have likely contributed to the development of a truly vagabond lifestyle. Whether by design or just a personality trait, the subject has a very limited list of known associates with which to track his suspected movements. Like most good criminals his presence will initially go unnoticed, an every-man type with a legitimate business at first glance. By the time suspicion has pivoted in his direction, he is gone. His credits made, he is far from the reach of interested authorities and off to the next stop to ply his chosen trade.

Recent witness interrogations reveal a tendency toward "supporting" various disparate anti-authoritarian causes, but a pattern has yet to be established. Reliable reports place him inside the Bubble operating mostly in Federal and Alliance space, but his ties and connections to the Pegasi Sector, and in particular to the Tjakiri system, remain in tact and undeniable. One thing is certain, the subject is never far away from profit. Smuggling, war zone profiteering, theft by piracy, murder of Imperial subjects; you'll find a bit of everything in his repertoire. The subject is always armed and should be considered dangerous, approach with extreme caution.