Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color

Psychological Examiner:  Ruth Jenkins

PFID: 02537026637116
Name: Bryan Iscariot
Sex: Male
Age: 24
Height: 5'10'' (177.8cm)
Build: Average
Eye Colour: Blue outer iris green inner iris
Hair Colour: Black with a slight gradient to dark copper in the lower beard.
Hobby: Tinkering, people-watching and exploring funded by occupation
Occupation: Freelance trader working for both empire and federation.
Place of birth:  Muruidooges [Turner Vision]
Marital Status: Single
Political Affiliation: Pledged to ALD as a Courier
Immediate Relatives: 
     Father: Martin Iscariot (Deceased)
     Mother: Jill Iscariot (Deceased)
     Brother: Jack Iscariot (uses alias CMDR Wanhope)
     Step-sister: Beth Iscariot (currently doing apprenticeship for Engineer)

Bryan is a fairly average looking person. Average height, average build, nondescript face, all in all, an almost completely forgettable person. All his defining features like the few scars that he has are located underneath his clothes. except for the scar on his neck which has a tendency to poke out of his collar whenever he moves his neck. His other scar is a huge patch of scarred flesh on his lower back from an injury sustained by debris. He wears thick frame glasses glasses when not in the cockpit even though he Doesn't technically need them. He has long dark black hair tied back in a tight short ponytail at the back with flecks of dark copper in his beard.

Bryan received a cybernetic implant to replace his T12 spinal vertebrae after the original vertebrae was crushed by debris during his mid teens. Bryan received the implant instead of progenitive therapy due to the limited time available after the accident.

Bryan grew up on a mineral extraction outpost on the outskirts of empire territory. He hated that living there claiming "you could never keep anything clean". although his hatred for his home system was more because of his fear of pirate attacks. Being a system on the outskirts of empire territory they didn't place high on the list for where to send forces to keep the peace. so they were left with only the system defence forces. although they were less of a force and more of a halfhearted suggestion. the system defence force was small due to the prevalent pirate gang that occupied Muruidooges and a few surrounding systems. After a violent raid on Turner Vision Bryan and his two siblings were left orphaned,  even though they were self-sufficient enough to care for themselves they were cared for by some of the other workers on the station. A few years after his parents passed Bryan found his way out in a scholarship for out of the way mining posts to send someone to train to be a designated courier for the outpost in the pilots federation. Bryan managed to convince the station company to send him and his brother, his step-sister not fancying the pilot's life decided to go her own way and secured an apprenticeship to a famous engineer working in their workshop.

Bryan has always been a quiet person, he prefers to listen to conversations instead of talking. Although he isn't afraid of participation. Having grown up on a small outpost with his family and the bare bones staffing it wasn't long until he knew everything about everyone so he became bored of people and decided to find something else to do and living on an extraction outpost there was no short supply of machines and tech to pull apart. He developed quite a knack for tinkering. Having grown up in such a backwater, working class area, Bryan developed an attitude that was atypical of any imperials in the core systems. Mainly his disregard for formalities. After leaving the outpost Bryan encountered masses of people with intreaguing stories and dark secrets that he hadn't heard before. It was around this time that Bryan took an interest in psychology. Armed with this knowledge he learned how to manipulate people although he has never had any motivation to use it for anything other than a few harmless pranks and jokes. He still enjoyes learning the inner workings of other people's minds and how they think. Bryan is also known to hold his morality to an unusually high standard for a pilot in this day and age. This seems to stem from the incident in which he lost his parents. (See relevant material attached).