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Hello. As many of you know… my name is Sereth Dakre. My full name is Sereth Va-eil Dakrea. No I did not misspell that. There is a reason why its different yet similar at the same time.

Anyways… back to the story at hand.

I am Sereth Va-eil Dakrea. I'm 23 years old. And I was born on the 11th of June, 2607. I was born onboard the generation ship Pytheas which launched from earth on the 11th of June, 2107. yes… I was born precisely 500 years after the date of launch. And I lived onboard until I was 13 years old. That’s because on the 19th of august, 2620… the entire ship was destroyed. The day it all ended was the worst day of my life. And I still remember it like it was yesterday…

Life aboard a generation ship was hard. But at the same time it was simple. My mother was a biologist, and my father worked in the bio dome. He was a farmer. Me… I was a child so I didn’t have a job. My favorite place to be was on one of the many observation decks. I liked to look out at the stars, and wonder what it must be like to live on a planet. I would also go to school. My favorite class was history and astronomy... I couldn’t help but wonder what earth was like. But it was 500 years away from us. And we were adrift.

About 200 years ago the captain of the ship went insane. He locked himself in the bridge, changed our course, and had us traveling at full speed towards a sun. the ships security managed to break through the door and subdue the captain. The ships pilots got onto the bridge and rushed to turn the ship. The ship had been going too fast. So when it turned… the engines got so hot that the ships computer activated an emergency protocol, and detached the engines before the fuel tanks ignited.

That day 791 people died. Reducing our population from 6,517 souls to 5,726 souls.

Ever since then… we had been adrift, with no way of slowing down. And praying every day that we never crossed with a planet.

Ever since then most of the navigation jobs had been abandoned. Mostly because we had no way of maneuvering the ship. So we just lived our lives… forever adrift in the endless black of space…

The date it all ended was 19 august, 2620.

It started out as a normal day… I woke up, went to school, and then went to relax on the forward observation deck.

And that is when everything went badly. I opened the door, and everyone that worked there was in a frenzy. And when I looked at the window… I saw… nothing. Just pure black. A circle of it was right in front of us. I knew what it was. We had just learned about black holes that day in class. I had been intending to ask the observers what they knew of them. I was still staring at the window when I felt the entire ship shudder, and a thin line started to spread along the glass. I tried to shout a warning, but then suddenly the window just… shattered. And the door closed. All I could do was stare at a view screen and watch as people I knew… friends… just floated away.

The ships alarms were blaring. All the lights went red. The com-speakers were saying how there were hull breaches all over the ship, and that the bio domes were ruptured. We were venting air.

I rushed to the ships center. There were so many people. They were all shouting and yelling. Many were crying and bleeding. I was screaming for my mother and father. I found a support pillar and climbed it… deactivating my mag boots so at to make the climb easier. I looked over the heads of the crowd and spotted my mother on the far side. She was next to one of my fathers supervisors. And she was shouting at him. I ran through the crowd and wrapped my arms around my mother. She looked so happy to see me. But sad at the same time. She told me that my father was dead. He died when the glass on the bio dome ruptured.

We just stood there as the captain explained that we were stuck in the event horizon of a black hole and that the gravitational forces were ripping the ship apart. I remember someone shouting for everyone to go to the escape pods. Then the captain notified us that there was only 1 remaining on the ship. The crowd started to go wild. All of them surging towards the captain. Then everything went red. I heard the sound of gunfire as the ships security were forced to fire into the crowd. There were dead and dying everywhere. The captain shouted for order. Then he said that they had chosen to put it up for a lottery. We all had to write our names onto a piece of paper and put it into a giant bin. The crowd went silent as the captain reached in. he pulled out a piece of paper… "SERETH VA-EIL DAKREA… COME FOREWARD!!!"

My mother and I walked trough the crowd. Everyone was looking at me. None looked angry. But all looked sorry. When we approached the captain, he looked at us and told us to follow him. He then ordered the guards to shoot any who try to pass. He guided us to the escape pod. When we got to it… he got down on one knee and pulled out a pocket watch. With one of his hands, he brought one of my hands up and placed the watch in my hand. The watched had a strange symbol on it. "This watch has been passed down from captain to captain. This watch has served as a reminder to us that our duty is to the people. Not ourselves. I want you to promise me that you will live by that code. The people come before you." I promised him. My mom then got down on her knee and hugged me. She kissed me on my forehead and while crying she said "oh… my son. My beautiful boy. I love you so much. And I promise you… ill always be with you. And ill watch over you. I love you so much." we hugged. "now go my son. Were almost out of time. Be strong. And always remember… ill be with you."

I got into the escape pod. I felt what had to be a dozen needles stab into me. "its ok boy. Its just the pod connecting you to its life support systems. Good luck. And remember your promise." the pod sealed itself.

I watched as the ship drifted away. I saw at the residential ring bent and warped. Then the ship broke in half. After that… everything just went black.

I woke up in a strange room. With strange equipment. I had tubes and needles connected to my body. I tried to scream… but there was a tube down my throat. An alarm blared and a door opened. Then a woman dressed in all white came in and said "oh… your finally awake. We started to worry."

Me- "Where am i?"
Nurse- "You are onboard Hahn Gateway, in orbit around Nanomam 2."
Me- "What? What are you talking about? What's Nanomam? Where am i?"
Nurse- "Tell me. What's the last thing you remember?"

I proceeded to tell her my story.

Nurse- "Well that certainly explains why you were found in the event horizon of a black hole. From what we were told… you were drifting on the edge of the point of no return. Just a couple more days, and you would have been un-savable."

Me- "A couple of days? How long was I out there? And how could I have been saved? It took us 513 years and 69 days to reach it. Were we being followed?"

Nurse- "I doubt you were being followed. And when did you enter the pod?"

Me- "I entered the pod on the 19th of august, 2620."

The nurses eyes got big, she put something in one of the tubes, and then she rushed out of the room. Everything fell into darkness.

I woke up and saw four people standing around me. The nurse, a doctor, a government official, and the pilot who saved me. The government official explained everything to me. That is how I learned that I had been orbiting the black hole for 673 years. The pilot told me how he found me. He said simply "I was just jumping from system to system when I found you. I wasn’t doing anything specific. I certainly didn’t expect that I would find a random escape pod orbiting a black hole." The doctor explained how luck I was to be alive. And that the only thing that allowed me to live is that time was moving much more slower for me than it was for the rest of the galaxy.

I spent 90 days in that room. The pilot visited me from time to time. His name was Varrek Dakre. I had always thought it strange how our names were so similar. But one day he just stopped coming. After that, I spent another 60 going through physical therapy. I was in the room when the doctor cleared me for release. I left the med-bay and the government agent was waiting outside. I asked him why he was waiting there, and he told me that someone adopted me and that I was to follow him. We walked through the station. It was clean. Pristine even. Aside from that… I didn’t really notice anything. As we walked… I looked at the gold watch that The captain of the Pytheas gave me. Reflecting on the promise I made him. And wondering who adopted me.

When we got to the ship hangars, I saw a massive ship. The thing was huge, long and slim. The agent told me that the ship was called an Anaconda. As we approached, I saw Varrek. He had a huge smile. The government official handed him a data pad. Then told me goodbye, and walked away.

When I asked Varrek what was going on… he explained to me that I was now his son. When I asked him why he would do that… he guided me onto his ship and sat me down. He then proceeded to tell me that there was a reason our names were so similar. We were related. When I asked him about our name difference, he explained that the family had changed it during the third world war on earth. Mostly because families of those who launched on gen ships were excluded from the drafts that were taking place. And they wanted to help the U.S. win the war. So they changed there names and joined the military. After the war… they changed it back but the officials at the time wrote "Dakre" instead of "Dakrea".

It was amassing. I couldn’t believe how everything seemed to align. I survived the destruction of the Pytheas. Only to be saved by a distant relative.

Over the next five years I flew with my father. He taught me the history of the galaxy, and how to survive in the new world that I found myself in.

On my 18th birthday I me and my father parted ways. He decided that he wanted to go out exploring, and I boarded a shuttle to LHS 3447. there I would enter a pilot training program. I spent 5 long years in pilot training school. And on the 21st of February, 3303 I got my Pilots Federation License.

The day I got my license… I joined a group of fellow pilots called the Federal Navy's Club. It was fun until conflicts grew with a group called Federal privateers. After a small skirmish, I got in contact with the leadership of the Federal privateers, and we talked. During our conversation we came up with a plan for peace. The plan did not benefit them in any way, but would do nothing but benefit the FNC. When I took the plan to the leader of the FNC he told me that he never wants peace. And he will never stop. The same day he put bounties on the heads of a the FP members. Which I didn’t think was too bad until he also put bounties out on people who weren't part of the FP. So I notified the FP out of hope that they could prevent innocent people from being pulled into a war. For the FP wanted peace… while the leaders of FNC only wanted war. I got branded as a traitor and was summarily kicked out of the FNC. As soon as that happened the Federal privateers took me under there wing.

Do I regret it? No. to have followed the FNC would have meant breaking my promise to the captain of the Pytheas. And I will never break that promise.

Since then I have become associated with 2 other groups who all meet the standards of the promise I made. The Federal United Command, and the Galactic Contingency Fleet. My hope is to one day become affiliated with the Children of Raxxla. And that’s because of there leader Salome… may she rest in peace.

From all I have learned… Salome is the greatest hero. She fought and died, not only for the people… but for the truth as well. I truly respect her.

My goal is to be able to protect those who cant protect themselves. To fight for the people. To fight for the truth. And if need be… to die for it.

My name is Sereth Va-eil Dakrea… and this is my story.