Cmdr Almus Salix
Researcher / Xenobiologist
Registered ship name
Quaero Occultam
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Python WEOP33
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
177 cm / 5' 10"
78 kg / 172 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
CMDR Thomas Weoleigh was born on Eravate V to a family of cattle farmers. Desperate to see the stars, Wiley began growing and distributing onionhead, which put him in touch with a crime syndicate based out of Sylvester City and in 3301 he had earned the capital to buy a sidewinder.

In exchange for forged paperwork and bribes to gain him entry into the Independent Pilots Federation, Thomas began smuggling narcotics and firearms into high security stations. He adopted the alias "Skaldr Weoleigh" in the fashion of an ancient Earth civilization which had been his most distant ancestors.

After smuggling and trading his way to a respectable sum, Skaldr left behind his life of crime and struck out into the black, exploring the outer rim and getting his feet wet outside of the bubble in his ultralight barebones DBX, christened "Space Sailing Vessel variant 88 Starseeker" aka "SSV-88", discovering many pristine reserves, water worlds, high yielding geological site, and even a few terraformables. He was among the first pilots to encounter barnacles in the Pleiades.

Seeking to diversify his skillset, he purchased a Lakon Type-6 and began taking small scale mining and courier jobs. During this time he came to know several pilots in the employ of Sirius Inc. After a profitable venture to assist in the creation of their Mega-ship, The Dionysus, Skaldr joined the ranks of Sirius Inc, finding a sense of purpose and duty in the Pleiades.

Skaldr quickly rose in the ranks of Sinc, bringing the faction major increases in influence through several incredibly risky investments which yielded massive gains, allowing Skaldr to become an influential trader in the region, earning the designation: Elite and making him instrumental in spreading Sincs influence into the pleiades.

Although he had gotten into his fair share of scraps with pirates, he was known largely as a pacifist, until inexplicably he started participating in the war between Sinc and Aegis in 3306. He had a keen interest in expanding into Delphi, often suggesting the idea to his superiors, who first brushed off the idea as being highly unlikely but eventually adopted it as their primary objective. Eventually Sinc was firmly in control in Delphi, and Aegis had been all but annhilated or assimilated to the increasingly imperialistic Sirius Inc.

Following devastating turmoil and intrigue perpetrated against Sirius Inc by AXI and the Hive in 3307 and the sweeping changes in leadership and policy, Skaldr began growing weary of the organization which had given him direction and employment.

He began looking into the political workings within the pleiades, namely those of "Taurus Mining Ventures" and what he found disturbed him deeply.

In December 3307, he informed his friends and allies that he would be taking a leave of absence to tend to a personal matter back in Eravate, however a colleague of his reported a non-encrypted transmission to Sirius Inc central comms sent by Weoleigh originating about 2000 ly outside of the bubble, claiming he had begun an expedition to Colonia, and would not be returning to his duties for the foreseeable future.

He then vanished completely, with no records of him ever reaching Colonia or even docking at any of the deep space outposts along the typical route. His ship was last scanned on January 1st 3308 entering a starport in the Sadr nebula, however no departure scans were ever recorded.

Fearing he had fallen prey to foul play, in Feburary 3308 an inquiry by sinc law enforcement found that his DBX had been remotely transferred into a private fleet carrier designated SSV Hekate Rising T6T-OTN, belonging to a once lowly imperial courier and overnight tritium-billionaire, Master Maynard Spackage.

Dispite numerous attempts to get in touch with Spackage, operatives failed to speak with him, as he never stayed in one place for very long or interacted much with the public. He was known as an eccentric connoisseur of rare goods, a dealer of guardian artifacts and a known onionhead user who often took Independent contracts from the Imperial Navy.

A former crew member of T6T-OTN told investigators he that dispite his offical reputation as a merchant, Spackage owned a fully engineered FDL equipped with fixed weapons, and that he had once seen him bullseye a pirate in an eccentricly vectoring Eagle with a plasma accelerator from over a kilometer away. Despite regularly witnessing actions such as these, Spackage was designated 'harmless' by the Independent Pilots Federation.

Looking into it further, it seems Spackage had been a member of the Federation for less than a month before being granted an elite designation in trade and earning upwards of 8 billion credits. Before joining the pilots Federation at 32 years of age, he was reported to have been an imperial serf living a terrestrial life as a cattle herder.

Spackage was last seen observing the battle of HIP 22460 and following the failure of the proteus wave device, he was reported KIA. A recovered Black Box indicated he was shot down by thargoids in a DBX while salvaging escape pods and data logs.

Investigators have little doubt this man was another alias of "Thomas Wiley". The real questions remain: why did a pacifistic trader suddenly begin slaughtering Aegis personnel?why did he dedicate so much of his time to expanding sirius influence just to completely abandon them? What did he learn that made him flee from his comrades he had served so faithfully for years? Was he ever the straight forward type-9 enthusiast and starry-eyed explorer he claimed to be?

His trading barge T6T-OTN was decommissioned by his estate in early September 3308 and remains derelict in an uninhabited system a few light-years from Cubeo, it's contents simply abandoned and his ships transferred to the ownership of an Imperial lord and known assassin named Almus Salix.

This shadowy figure can often be seen going in and out of Medupe station and is believed to be responsible for many disappearances and sudden deaths of those who stand in opposition to the Emperor or her family.

What is his involvement with the Empire, and what role has he played in the Azimuth Saga? Why did he wage war against Aegis? Why did he provide millions of credits in supplies to Salvation?

If you can find him in the black, he might just tell you all about it.