Cmdr N.R.Crosby
Trader / Diplomat
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Python X-6CZR
Overall assets
Winters Wolves

Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
41 Lambda Hydrae
Year of birth
350 cm / 11' 6"
350 kg / 772 lb
Build type
Kind of Short and Stocky
Skin color
Hair color
Black and Grey
Eye color
Biography on N.R.Crosby the Player
   Born in Washington State, USA. An avid Role player since I was 17 currently in my fifties. Played the Original Elite on my Commodore Amiga 500. Owed a Computer Store for 3 ½ years, and built Daisy and Mines Current Gaming Rigs. Been a Gamemaster of Role Playing Games for 30 years and have written and published 2 Scenario  gamebooks for the RPG Harn. My Current Nickname is from the Creator and Longtime Friend N.R.Crossby who passed away from liposarcoma back in 2008. I would drive up to British Columbia to see my Friend and we would spend the weekends talking Harn, and scenario ideas while consuming large quantities of Beer in Vancouver's Pubs, N.R.Crossby loved his beer and so I now play a Character based upon my friends Name and his love for beer in tribute to my deep friendship with him and the many hours of entertainment his world of Harn provided for me and my gaming friends. Rest in Peace Robin, I miss you my friend.

Biography of N.R.Crosby the Character.

   Born in Talala Province, on the Northern Continent of Kersmai. By Selahe and Douglas Crosby. On Peno 18th in the year 3247. Robin was an energetic boy and loved the outdoors. He would go camping exploring with his Uncle Warlin Arketh, and on many occasion Warlin would use his Cobra MK III named the ITV Crosby's Cobra and take the young Robin out and give him flying lesson on the aging craft. At 18 Robin started his mandatory civil service by enlisting in the Provincial Guard of Talala Province. At 22 he was awarded the Osmium Star of Heroism after rescuing a family by using Crosby's Cobra during a wildfire up in the Rakakla Hills near his Home.

   At 24 after a extended 2 year stay with the Guard Robin left the Guard and then went on to his higher education requirement studies at the School of Swanani Celestial Mechanical Science. Here after 4 years of study he graduated with a Certification as a Astro Mechanic and then went on to be employed by the Kwuntiss Planetary Trade Partition, as a mechanic on the fleets aging Lakon Spaceways T2 Freighters.

   In 3279 Robin's Parents were killed during a 2nd Honeymoon when their Humpback Passenger Liner was struck by a Large Meteorite while sightseeing near the Rings of Gaodala in the newly settled system of Yuravandji. With his inheritance he purchased his uncle's old Cobra MK III and then went about over the next 2 years restoring the old vessel into pristine condition, and at the age of 33 he left Kwuntiss Planetary Trade Partition and began running Wares between the systems around Momus Reach to systems around the Lave cluster. In was on one of these such runs that he ran litterally into his wife Daisy Kato, coming out of Lave Station.

   At first N.R.Crosby just began by tagging along with the much younger Kato giving her advice and at times helping her keep her broken down hauler from ending up in a scrap heap, but as the two journey across the galaxy together their friendship and their love for each other began to grow. In 3284 Commander N.R.Crosby married Commander Daisy Kato and the two of them moved to Wayola where they purchased a home together on the Eskala River not to far from N.R.Crosby's uncles house.

   Daisy Kato hung up her flight suit after the marriage to go back to school to study Cosmology, while Crosby went back out into space and began doing Wares runs again. In 3286 Crosby got a transmission from his Wife Daisy that his Uncle Warlin was very ill and near death. Crosby immediately changed course and headed back to 41 Lambda Hydrea as fast as Crosby's Cobra could get him there.
Upon his arrival he found his Uncle in a Coma and here Crosby sat for nearly 3 weeks tending to his uncle as the aging Warlin creep-ed in a out of consciousness. Upon his death, Crosby promised Kato that he would hang up his Wares Trading Flight-suit and stay around Wayola more often.

    With money Crosby had earned and with the inheritance from his Uncle, Crosby bought a used Lakon Spaceways T6. He then signed on with the newly formed Federal Bureau of Economic Expansion. This bureau which was recently open on Wayola, moved goods and cargo to Wayola to better help promote the expanding Federation's ideals and economic development on Systems lying on the periphery of Federation Space. With this assignment Crosby became a member of the Federations Merchant Marines, and began the process of moving up the Ranks with the Federation Navy.

   In 3286 Daisy and Crosby gave birth to their first baby and named him Warlin after Crosby's Uncle and in 3288 Daisy gave birth to another Child Krella.  Crosby continued his work with the F.B.E.E while Daisy went on to gain a Masters in Cosmology at the University of Terra a recently new university set up on Wayola by the Federation.

   In 3296 Crosby and Daisy filed the appropriate padwork to become Federation Citizens after the Elder Council of Wayola approved the measure allowing the inclusion of 41 Lambda Hydrae to be registered as a Federation Star System. By this time Crosby had achieved the Rank of Chief Petty Officer in the Federal Merchant Marines.

   In 3298 With her Masters in hand Daisy Kato along with Crosby's help purchased an ASP Explorer and Daisy Kato signed on with the F.E.S Federal Exploratory Service. Crosby's sister Tonitas took care of Crosby's kids along with her own 3 children while Crosby and Kato were away off world.

   Politically Crosby and Daisy were always fairly liberal and over the years were supportive of a number of political movements that found their way to Wayola. One in particular was the Dodash Movement of Wayola. This group of independent Traders and Miners of Wayola would use their ships to smuggle freed Imperial Slaves across the Galaxy to settle them on Wayola as adoptive citizens. The network was extensive and went all the way to the Athena Star System, where it joined up with another abolitionist movement that had formed there.

   In early 3301 When President Winters took the Presidency after the disappearance of former president Halsey and the earlier murder of Vice President Nigel Smeaton, Crosby and Daisy Kato became very active in her campaigns on Wayola. Promoting the benefits and economic gains an alliance with the newly appointed President of the Federation could bring to Wayola. After her defeat in the elections against the now newly appointed President Zachary Hudson. The aging Crosby knew that finding ways to promote the Shadow President would become even more important than ever given Hudson war rhetoric. Daisy and Crosby joined the newly established political party called the Hai-Malistso or Winter's Wolves and Crosby dusted off the old Crosby's Cobra and began using it as a minor security vessel within the newly formed Winter's Wolves.

   In early 3301 the Winters Wolves signed a non-aggression and economic prosperity agreement with the Winters Administration with the Elder Councils Blessings and established a permanent residence on the Federation Station Yurchikhin Ring. Crosby was instrumental in establishing parts of the Trade policies of the new agreement and quickly shot up the ranks of the new unit. He was credited with the establishment of the newly created Operation Winters where his wife Daisy Kato found herself appointed as the Director of Finance. Always hard at work both running security patrols in 41 Lambda Hydrae as well as recruiting Chindi-Malistso into the Winters Wolves, In mid 3301 Crosby found himself appointed as the Elder Pack Leader of the Winters Wolves on Yurchikhan Ring.

   Crosby hated bureaucracy and never saw himself as a leader, but accepted the position as both Elder Pack Leader of the Winters Wolves and as a Alpha in the Alpha Chamber once he found he was elected to that position following his taking on the Elder Pack Leader position with the Winters Wolves. By this time the Winters Wolves had gained an impressive roster of pilots from across Wayola and the Federation and alongside other Federal Forces under the Control of the Winters Sky Marshall the Winters Wolves made headlines in many off world Operations such as Purple Haze a Large Scale Federal undermining operation deep into Imperial Space.

   In late 3301 the Shadow President announced her plans to make 41 Lambda Hydrae a Federal Control World for this sector of space. The newsfeeds on Wayola went crazy while there had been some  debate on the idea of becoming a member world of Winters Space no official debate nor vote had ever taken place in the Alpha or Beta Chambers. With the announcement from the then Winters Sky Marshall who made a public statement to the Galnet to Reporters on Rhea that, “ I need to reinforce here that my loyalty lies solely to the Federation and to Felicia Winters. This means that I am not a Winters Wolf, and I cannot sacrifice a profitable system for the sake of its independence, especially now. " Commander Crosby as Elder Pack Leader for the Winters Wolves issued a Boycott of 41 Lambda Hydrae and that all Federal vessels be turned away upon entering the system.  Until such a time as the issues was properly debated and voted on by the Wayola Government.

   Torn Commander Crosby found himself stuck in the middle of two very hostile camps. Those that favored inclusion into Winters Space as a Control world were dubbed Federalists while those that favored rejecting inclusion were called The Movement for 41 Lambda's Hydrae Future. N.R.Crosby sat on the fence on the matter until evidence was uncovered about a Federation Corporations involvement in some recent crop failures on Wayola. Seeing a possible political connection Crosby demanded from the Sky Marshall that preparations for 41 Lambda Hydrae inclusion as a Control World be halted immediately.

   Crosby then found himself in a Military coup on Yurchikhin Ring. The Federalists seized control of the station. Crosby boarded Crosby's Cobra nearly getting arrested in the process. He met up with Kato down on Wayola parking next to her ASP along with some other loyal supporters on the Plains of Chybisa about 25 Kilometers from their home. Using the Transmitter on Kato's ASP Crosby set out a urgent plea to the peoples of 41 Lambda Hydrae detailing the takeover of the Station. Within hours though the Station used it position above 41 Lambda to jam Crosby's Communiques across the planet.

   Crosby knowing it was just a matter of time before the Federalist completely seize control of the Station used his access codes to wipe Operations Winters mainframes of all information pertaining to the Winters Wolves and its members as well as access to many classified files pertaining to Operation Winters activities. Hoping this would buy him and Kato some time Crosby took off in his Cobra and headed off to the capital city of Kaunas to speak with the Grand Chief and members of the Elder Council.

   A plan was formed and a evacuation was ordered across all of  Kersmai. Since time was at a premium and Wayola had no way of performing a entire planetary evacuation a lottery was held using voters democratic serial id numbers, all a Chindi or Hai Malistso need do was declare their intentions to join the evacuees.

   On November 21st 3301 Crosby led 14 Ancient Colonial Transports that had been pulled into service from the Ardollian Institute loaded with Hai, Chindi, and Chahaʼoh Malistso as well as some Federation Citizens and even many adoptive citizens who knew Crosby and Kato personally after having been rescued by them off into space heading for as of yet Crosby had know idea. All he knew that his home for all his life had just been annexed by the very Government he and Kato had pledge so much time and spirit into. His feelings of loss to friends left behind to dreams smashed upon political bedrock left Crosby depressed and incapacitated for weeks after the launch.

The Timeline of the Winters Wolves will give you some details into Crosby's Biography in the year following the Evacuation of 41 Lambda Hydrae.