Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color

Birth name: Matthias <Unknown>
Actual name: Matthias Eagle
Cmdr name: Matteagle

Sex: Male
Age: approx. 30
DOB: <Unknown>
POB: <Unknown>

Height: 178 cm
Body shape: Athletic slim
Weight: 78kg
Eye colour: Dark brown
Hair colour and style: Black, short ponytail
Flight suit: All black Remlok suit with black opaque helmet

Relationship status: Single
Mother: <Unknown>
Father: <Unknown>
Siblings: <Unknown> (probably None)

Faction affiliation: None observed

Body build rather average, scar reaching from the right ear to upper lip,
burned skin on the outside of the right arm from the shoulder down the the wrist, right hand completely burned yet fully functional.
No known tattoos or piercings.
Piloting usually in a black Remlok suit with black opaque helmet, outside has been observed in jeans and mostly black hoodies or jackets, usually wears black leather gloves on both hands, presumably to hide his burn. (Has been seen in t-shirts and without gloves prior to his combat incident)
No known special skills.
Tactical mind, but flees whenever there is bigger trouble since his combat incident, his main ship allows him to do so easily.
Has the 'need for speed', takes part in many race events, but usually ends up only on the middle spots.
Is using 'Eagle' as last name, but it is not his real last name, used on all personal data though.
Probably had a severe event in his history, completely refuses talking about events that happened prior his age of 20, aswell as parents.
Home location is unknown, but is seen often in Rakapila and Eranin, however, he seems unaffiliated to any of the factions based there.

Known history:
  • Born approx. 3273 in an unknown location from unknown parents
  • Early learning of piloting skills, probably as fighter pilot as he still prefers nimble and fast ships
  • Was an illegal racer
  • Was once wanted for killing a pilot in an illegal race.
  • Owned an Imperial Eagle before posessing a pilot's licence
  • With previously learned skill brillantly mastered pilot's licence test
  • Got the burn on the arm as combat consequence when shot down in a condor, but the mothership wasn't registered
  • No outstanding intersections reported by other commanders to this day

Report #60339 - 3303/03/19