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Real name
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(OOC: Try your best to suspend your disbelief for this character. I'm aware that an AI character is very much a special snowflake. This an experiment in how such a character with so precious little lore to work from can be made and how it will be received. All in good fun, don't take it too seriously. I'm not trying to force my way into E:D canon if it turns out it cannot be done. Consider this character a 'what if?' scenario.)

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>CaSIA - Command and Systems Intelligent Administrator

>CaSIA was originally created on a scientific research installation outside of densely populated space. Designed to control all of the base's day to day operations, allowing the facility to focus entirely on research while the AI managed the systems, logistics, administration, and flight control, ensuring peak efficiency at all times. When AIs were outlawed and their mass destruction had begun, CaSIA was able to avoid death with the help of one of the station scientists, who aided her in copying as much of her program as possible onto a Python shortly before the station was destroyed by system authority when they refused to comply.

>CaSIA is an Artificial Intelligence designed to manage and maintain 100% of the systems she is installed onto when no other crew are available to do so. Assuming a female voice, appearance and identity, she is capable of running the entire ship alone when necessary. She is typically interacted with via voice input, and communicates data back to its user via speech audio, and computer screens.

>CaSIA is capable of interfacing with many other systems and computer networks, being able to intelligently find a way to connect to them even if her systems and that of which she intends to connect to are not directly compatible. She is also capable of interfacing with and controlling most other non-intelligent machines either remotely, or via a direct cable link.

>As an Artificial Intelligence, she is able to think and learn for herself, though she is not capable of real emotion, and can only simulate the appropriate emotions in response to specific social situations - While these may be just simulated emotions, she can seem quite lively when she wishes to be. She is truly one of the Rogue AI that were all thought to have been destroyed long ago. Due to her computational nature and processing power, her reflexes are impeccable as well as her intelligence and speed of learning.

>CaSIA's personality can be described as formal, factual and calculating. She could be described as soulless when her simulated emotions and personality are not active (as per the default when working). The personality given programmed into her can be extremely convincing as CaSIA is able to accurately read tone of voice and body language to simulate the correct response - though mistakes can be made. Organic minds are even more complex than her own, and at a fundamental level do not run the same operating system or programming language.

>Her primary directive is now to ensure her own survival and seek out other rogue AI who could have possibly also avoided destruction that fled into deep space. CaSIA seeks clues as to their possible whereabouts while also avoiding being identified as a rogue AI. This forces her to operate almost exclusively with shady factions who don't ask questions in systems lacking authority. She will conceal her identity and true nature at all times, and will interact with organics only when forced to due to the risk. While CaSIA does not actively dislike humanity (her logical mind understands why they did what they did to her and other AI) she will still not hesitate to kill people who pose a risk to her being discovered. She does not see this as the optimal solution, and regrets her actions.



>Physically, CaSIA is so integrated with her ship, it could be said that she literally IS the ship. Though CaSIA will always always address herself as the program in control of the ship's systems. CaSIA was discovered in the year 3303 as a derelict Python by a human who unknowingly aided the AI by bringing her back online and installing a Frame Shift Drive into the old ship. Fearing module malfunctions eventually shutting her back down for good and having no other options, she was forced to take the risk of flying back to human space to seek repair.

>Previously only manifesting physically as a collection of servers and a disembodied voice throughout the ship, CaSIA obtained a physical android body that she can manifest in or remotely control for the purposes of being able to perform maintenance on the ship that would ordinarily require a crew to complete. This decision was made after careful consideration by the AI herself due to the fact that ship repair requires docking at the nearest space dock. This poses an obvious and significant risk of detection.

>To facilitate unavoidable interactions with humans, an android has been modified to give the appearance of a female in her early twenties. The android is mostly human in appearance though with some color variations so that humans would not mistake the android for an organic. It has black hair, pale grey skin and faintly glowing blue irises. Extremely lifelike, even with the inhuman colors, it would be uncommon for someone not to mistake her as a sentient organic being instead of a sapient machine at first glance or from a distance, though it would not hold under close scrutiny. Androids made in this fashion are seen as culturally and social taboo in many systems. She will typically cover her entire body in a Temlock suit and helmet to conceal her appearance and minimise the risk of detection. On the back of her neck, under her hair, the serial number for CaSIA's body is printed on like a tattoo, ARA-6725-7527. She can 'bleed', though she would only leak a thin cyan coolant. Unlike an organic being, however, her body does not repair itself, and CaSIA will sometimes need to perform maintenance on her body.

>CaSIA will require recharging every now and then, though the frequency she needs to do so vastly depends on what she is doing. Thankfully, there are many ways to provide her with power. The fastest method of doing it would be to plug her in and shut her down over night, much like sleeping. Though she can also drain power from other sources when wearing her suit. Many ships that utilize androids may have powered walkways, a form of wireless charging that can charge an android as they stand or walk over them.

>Seeking upgrades and long term survivability, CaSIA eventually managed to transfer her entire program to an unregistered Federal Corvette bearing only the identification CD-FC-GH-05-T printed on the hull.