Cmdr Dean Knight
Special operative / Freedom fighter
Registered ship name
AESAV War Wolf
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette VR-146
Overall assets
After Earth Stellar Alliance

Personal content

Real name
Dean Knight
Place of birth
Year of birth
183 cm / 6' 0"
86 kg / 190 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
34th Century Derivative of North-Central American
Dossier: CMDR Dean Knight

Occupation: Mercenary, Commando, Pilot, Soldier (former), Operator (former)
Place of Birth: HerniMara B4
Marital Status: Single
Power Affiliation: None, Independent

Immediate Relatives:
Father: Alexander Knight (living)
Mother: Angela Knight (living)
Siblings: none

Early Life:
Dean was born on HerniMara B4 to two farmers with a small plot of land. His childhood was unassuming, yet he always had a protective streak when it came to his friends. From a very young age he felt that life as a farmer or as a corporate worker wasn’t for him. At the age of 18, he enlisted in HerniMara’s system security forces.

Abbreviated Service Record:
June 3301: Dean Knight enlists in the HerniMara system security forces and completes basic training. Assigned to settlement security at Benedetti Holdings.
June 3302: Promoted to Specialist.
June 3303: Promoted to Corporal.
August 3303: Benedetti Holdings Incident. A large and coordinated pirate attack hits the base but is repelled. Dean Knight is awarded commendations for valor and leadership in defense of the settlement.
November 3303: Undergoes treatment for PTSD.
February 3304: Completes PTSD treatment and begins training for special operations and flight training.
June 3304: Completes special operations and flight training and becomes an officer at the rank of Ensign.
July 3304-June 3308: Participates in many classified operations.
June 3305: Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade.
June 3306: Promoted to Lieutenant Senior Grade.
June 3308: Retires from the HerniMara security force at the rank of Lieutenant Senior Grade.

Post-Service Timeline:
July 3308: Begins working as a mercenary.
August 3308: Proteus Wave Incident. Applies to join the Pilots Federation.
September 2, 3308: Completes evaluation missions and joins the Pilots Federation.
September 3308: Joins the Knights of Pleiades, a small anti-Thargoid squadron and begins preparing to fight the then-upcoming Thargoid invasion.
October 3308: Begins working with Reforge Aegis. Assists in operation to ferry unclassified relics to Palin and Ram Tah.
November 3308: Dean Knight assists in the community goal to disrupt Azimuth’s resource campaign. Titan Taranis lands in the bubble. Begins fighting on the frontlines.
December 3308: The rest of the Titans land in the bubble. Dean Knight assists in repelling the invasion in HIP 23716. The Knights of Pleiades dissolves.
January-February 3309: Dean Knight continues fighting on the front lines of the Thargoid invasion.
March 3309: Dean Knight joins the Ryders of the Void, a squadron affiliated with a faction in control of Deciat and most of the surrounding area.
April-August 3309: Dean Knight visits Colonia. Assists in the Ryders’ efforts to retain control of their holdings. Assists in the Thargoid war effort as a commando infiltrating enemy-held systems.
September 3309: Dean Knight leaves Ryders of the Void and joins the After Earth Stellar Alliance, a squadron affiliated with a democratic faction located near the Pleiades bridge. Participates in the defense of Hixkarines and the reclamation of Pien Ek. Dean also joins the Anti-Club Accord, an organization dedicated to thwarting the Club conspiracy first revealed by Salomé back in 3303.
October-November 3309: Dean Knight assists in repulsing multiple takeover attempts of Ross 596 by the Ross 596 Bureau, gaining complete control for AESA in the process.
November 3309-March 3310: Dean Knight assists in the takeover of the Koch system by AESA. Assists in the destruction of Thargoid Titans Taranis and Leigong.

Close-quarters combat with both guns and knives
Proficient with plasma, explosive, kinetic, and laser small arms

Physical Appearance:
Dean is physically lean and powerful, standing at slightly over 6 feet tall (183cm) with an athletic build honed from years of military service. This previous experience serves him well in his current endeavors as a mercenary, commando, and combat pilot. His chest and arms bear scars from physical altercations and unlucky gunshot wounds throughout his time as a soldier. Upon leaving the service, he let his short blonde hair and trimmed facial hair grow out.

Psychological Profile:
Dean’s demeanor is gruff and no-nonsense toward people he doesn’t know or work with regularly, but with friends, he’s rather warm and encouraging. He is willing to run through hell and risk life and limb for his friends and comrades due to losing friends earlier on in his military career. The loss of some of his comrades during the Benedetti Holdings Incident does haunt him to the point that he experiences mild post-traumatic stress. The Thargoid war and the amount of human tragedy involved has turned Dean hostile to the superpowers and other groups that he believes are responsible, such as Azimuth Biotech.