Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
General Information
Name: Caleb "Cuisinart" Moore
Age: 26
Eye/Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'4"
Birthplace: Binder Dock, Aeternitas system
Main Ships: Type-6 Transporter Woefully Adequate, passenger and cargo transport; Diamondback Explorer Ratspaw, ratship

Caleb was born to uncertain parents on Binder Dock, and Orbis Starport in the Aeternatas system. He was abandoned at one of the station's orphanages by whoever his parents actually were, and consequently grew up as a ward of the station. He slipped away from his minders whenever he had a chance to watch the ships coming and going in the docking bay, much to his caregivers' chagrin.  

Once he was too old for the orphanage, he enlisted in the Federal military. His trainers thought he showed promise, until a freak accident in training crippled his left leg. Without expensive surgery, there was no way he would be able to serve. The sheer damage the injury caused him earned him the moniker "Cuisinart" among his comrades, as without reconstructive surgery he wouldn't even have been able to walk again at all. With his original career choice no longer viable, Caleb decided to go back to his roots. He had always had a fascination with spacecraft, so he decided to try and make space travel his new career. Besides, a working leg was most certainly not a prerequisite to flying a ship.

A stop at the local Pilot's Federation office soon set Caleb on the path to a new life. He took to his Sidewinder quickly, but wanted something more- he wanted to explore the galaxy. Flying a Hauler and running cargo transport and taxi jobs, he slowly built up the money to purchase and outfit the biggest splurge of his life- a Diamondback Explorer. He took her out to explore uncharted systems...and quickly learned that he did not have the patience to spend months on end away from all human contact. He returned to his previous career of cargo shipping and passenger transport until one day, the unthinkable happened. He ran out of fuel.

Desperate, Caleb called the Fuel Rats, who quickly arrived to refuel his ship and save his life. After this, he found a new calling. Caleb decided he wanted to be a part of that illustrious group, so he took his old Diamondback and refitted her into a fuel tanker with an obscene jump range. Now, he can often be found waiting in Wohler Terminal, his adopted homeport, or Wollheim Vision, the Rat's main port, for a client to send in a request for help. After all, it's the least he can do.

Appearance and Personality
Caleb is a short, squat man, somewhat heavyset from a life of sitting in pilot's seats and a diet of too many rations. He has brown eyes and hair, which is cropped short for ease of maintenance in zero-gee. He walks with a limp thanks to his leg injury, and when outside of low-gravity areas of stations uses a cane and leg brace to be able to walk somewhat normally.

Caleb was never a talkative child, possibly due to his unusual situation as a ward of the station. In his adult life he has become somewhat more open, especially around other spacers.  He tends to have a soft spot for the less fortunate and for children. He doesn't really understand planet-dwellers, having lived in ships and on stations for his whole life, and looks down somewhat on those who live on Terra-like worlds, seeing them as pampered fools who have everything handed to them.