Cmdr Grum164
Mercenary / Trader
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Overall assets
Kult of the Murder Goose
Pranav Antal

Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
189 cm / 6' 2"
126 kg / 278 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
All men are created equal, or so they say. We all started with 1,000c and a borrowed Sidewinder.
All men are created equal, but what you do after your creation is entirely up to you.
Me? I started at the bottom rung, just like you, and everyone else. But where did I go from there?

Deep space, I know what you're thinking. Of all the things to do in space, he decided to go as far as he could.
Once I became cordial with all of my new tinkering freinds, I built a ship, a Diamondback Explorer.
I slapped a fresh coat of paint on her, called her the DOOM MOTH and started my grueling trip to the center of the galaxy.

I set out for, I don't, answers maybe? But all I found was a couple of cool systems and planets to slap my name on.
Saggitarius A*, yeah that was cool and all. But by the time I got there the space crazies had set in, and that is when it all changed.

Days, weeks, months? I can't remember how long it took to get there, let alone how long it took to get back.
But when I did I had a goal, I wanted, no I needed blood. How do I get there? How do I rival these people with billions of credits?
Space trucking seemed somewhat viable, so this is where we began, we made our first couple of million.

Then we upgraded, bigger ships, more cargo capacity, we made even more, grueling labor, but nice rewards. but it wasn't enough.
So, I moved to mining. Made my first billion there. Then, this is where it gets interesting