Personal content

Real name
Ashley Azetora
Place of birth
Year of birth
155.2 cm / 5' 1"
55.4 kg / 122 lb
Build type
Inverted Triangle/Slim
Skin color
Hair color
Golden Brown
Eye color
Ashley Azetora born in 3285, in the capital of the Empire she was the youngest of her 3 sisters. She was born into a middle class family her father a wine salesman for a big company, and her mother a former nurse for a local hospital now stay at home mother. Ashley went through her childhood without a care for what she wanted to do later in life, till she turned 13 and saw a starship performance show on the net. She became overwhelmed with a persistent fascination of interstellar travel, Starships' as a whole. She aspired to become a pilot for the Imperial Navy. She told her parents and her sisters of her dreams, her sisters laughed and her parents while supportive suggested other closer to home jobs and less dangerous. Her oldest sister aspired to become a Senator whilst the sister in the middle wished to become a surgeon. The mockery from her sisters nor the suggestions from her parents deterred her from her dream, instead Ashley decided to study anything she could about becoming a pilot from articles and E books on the net, to even asking some family friends who were in the Navy. At the age of 16 she finally managed to convince her parents to pay for a private flight instructor whilst she couldn't officially join the Navy until the age of 18 she could better her chances buy learning early. As Ashley was taught by her tutor it slowly dawned on her during her lessions that joining the Navy would restrict her to only what they wanted, she couldnt go to any system she wanted amoung many other things. She then began looking into the pilots federation a group she heard much about during her studies and research. Realizing this was the only way she could achieve her dreams she asked her tutor if the focus could change from navy to independent pilot which he obliged. A week after Ashley turned 18 she took the pilots federation test and applied to get a license, she passed with flying colors and was now an official independent pilot. Her family celebrated with the most luxurious foods and wines they could buy, even her sisters celebrated this occasion alongside her. The next day Ashley hugged and kissed her parents goodbye and even her sisters, as this would be the last time they'd speak face to face for awhile. Still scared for their daughter's life they tried to convince her once more to stay even her sisters couldn't convince Ashley, after all this was her life goal. Ashley left Achenar with tears in her eyes but hopeful for her future when she finally arrived in the Dromi system and took her first steps into her very own Sidewinder. A whole new life almost like being reborn was ahead of her.