Personal content

Real name
Federico Harfang
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
I am Harfang, Imperial traditionalist and Centurion of Lavigny's Legion.

Soy Harfang. Soy un tradicionalista imperial, antiguo fundador de la OCI, he servido entre los Templarios blancos, también estuve por conveniencia con los liberales imperiales de Agentes libres de Aisling, aunque he vuelto al carril del genuino conservadurismo imperial al unirme a Decimus Imperium Lex y servir al Almirante Patreus hasta 3306. Desde hace tres años, me uní finalmente a Lavigny's Legion, donde sirvo con dedicación a nuestro Emperador Arissa 1ra.

I was born in Kaiakul, in Barlowe Station.  My father was a Mining Company Patron and my eldest brother took over the family business after my father passing in a mining accident in 3283.  I always wanted to become a pilot so I was sent to the Imperial Navy Academy in Facece  and then another space flight academy in Nu (after I was expelled from the Imperial Navy Academy for a sex scandal with the Colonel daughter).  As a very young man, I was quite rebel and I neglected my Imperial origins and went to work as a trader in a "free" star cluster: Leesti and the Lave area.  

Nací en Kaiakul, en Barlowe Station.  Mi padre era dueño de una empresa de minería y fue mi hermano mayor quien tomo la riendas de la empresa cuando mi padre murió en una accidente minero en 3283.  Siempre quise ser piloto y mi padre me envió a la Academia de pilotos de la Marina Imperial en Facece y luego a una academia de vuelo en NU (luego de que fui expulsado de la Marina Imperial por un escándalo sexual con la hija del Coronel a cargo de la Academia.  Cuando era joven, yo era bastante rebelde, y en cierto período llegue a negar mis orígenes imperiales y me fui a trabajar como comerciante  en una zona estelar libre, de la Alianza, Leesti y Lave.

Nevertheless, I found out quickly that freedom and liberty means nothing but chaos and unleashed violence, so I headed back to the land of my mother, Kamocan.  I worked hard there as a trader. Life between Agarla and Kamocan was good, I made quite a fortune through the Kamocan-Indrachit-Gridge trading route and I knew very good people and great Imperial traditionalists, wich share Hispanic background like me and the vision of an Empire loyal to his tradition, but open to organized and structured progress.

I founded with those friends like CMDR Ishmat, Abbadon, Icaro and Alepf a chivalric order that claimed his origins back in the antique Orden de Calatrava from Spain Middle Age.  We had many successes when we decided to support Princess Arissa Lavigny-Duval.

Unfortunately, at the end, chaos supported by the corrupted  coorporates of Kamocan destroyed all our good endeavour.  A harsh struggle between loyal members of the OCI and rogue coorporate pilots that undermined our efforts from inside our organization, to then formed a corrupt and mafious organization called Centinelas, outbreaked.  At some point, contemplating the downfall of our noble organization, I resigned from the Council of the OCI, I let the surviving members to an uncertain fate and got back to Kaiakul.

In the meanwhile, I had enrolled myself with the Chapterhouse of the Inquisition of Kamadhenu.  In HR 571, as a feared and fierce Inquisitor, I contributed to the triumph of Emperor's Grace over the corrupted corporates of Network.  

After my exile to HR 571, I decided to carry on with my life as a space knight. I joined the White Templars, a very old chivalric organization that struggle against corruption in the service of our Dearest Emperor Arissa.  I served as the Grand Prior, protecting and coordinating our progress in our Homeworld, and I have been fighting with my Templar brothers in the Pegasi Pirate War from the end of August 3301 to January 3302.

At some point, I have been expelled from the Templars after an argument with the Templar Chief trainer.  The order chose the tyrant instead of the humble and dedicated servant, but I don't really mind.  I served greatly the Order and I left with pride and honor.  At this point, as the rogue and fallen noble I was, I  served with the Empire Corsairs. As during the Middle Age, as Robert d'Artois, I carried the torch of war elsewhere serving our Dearest Emperor.

Thereafter,  I have been reinstated with honors within the White Templars, with my rank of Preceptor back.   However, after a while I realized the falshood of Imperial traditionnalist groups, I have seen invaded people treated harshly by the Templars, and how many Imperial Slaves are mistreated to the point there are used as cannon fodder.  Furthermore, some noble of the Templars shows a racist and xenophobic attitude wich have no place in the Empire.  

What really changed my mind was to see how my best friend was reduced to slavery for his debts. A local patronage lord took him as his personnal slave just for vengeful purpose and to take all the estate of his family.  I saw him a week earlier, they put him to work in refinary ship, it was too hard work for his health.  I tried to buy him but his owner didnt want to sell him.  At the end the worst happened, he died.  He asked me to take care of his daughter, wich was my fighter pilot and copilot.  Similar stories happens often in the territory conquerred by the Templars.  That was not our purpose, that is totally wrong.

I undertand now the bad side of  Imperial slavery , that is still slavery and those people reduced to slavery are  often mistreated in a way that could endanger more their life than It is the case for citizens.  I joined Agentes libres de Aisling, I still consider myself as an Imperial traditionnalist, my politics ideas goes more toward our beloved Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval and Admiral Denton Patreus.  I am not an antislavery militant but I understand that we must protect slaves from unacceptable exploitment.  How could I say, I want to live my life and work with mates that speak and bear the Hispanic galactic culture.   ALA is the best option for a Hispanic Imperial.  

Some time ago, my pilot, my best friend's daughter, died when Albocacer got crippled in combat.  I got quite depressed after that...
I have served Agentes Libres de Aisling for 2 years.   But at the end, I am no  liberal, I am a genuine Imperial traditionnnalist, so I joined Decimus Imperium Lex where  I serve with honour a Feudal government.

In one year, we built a fiefdom of 10 systems. In our area of the Empire, a honorable Imperial feudal government prevailed.

I was proud to serve with Decimus Imperium Lex, but my leader was a complete idiot. Finally, more than 2 years ago, I decided to join Lavigny's Legion where I serve currrently as Centurion.

From 3306 to the present time, I served proudly and honorably under the great Lavigny's Legion. Eventhough I was already an old jock when I joined, I served humbly as a initiate and climbed the ranks serving in our BGS deparment (OCOR), participate in a lot of our triumphs and the expansion of our fiefdom. It's been already 3 years in the Legion and I feel privileged to serve as centurion in the greatest squadron of the Galaxy. Hail Emperor Arissa! Bask in Her Glory!