Cmdr Renraiku
Registered ship name
Lady Sorrow
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Fer-de-Lance LORE
Overall assets
Loren's Reapers

Personal content

Real name
Renraiku Kordai
Place of birth
Year of birth
180 cm / 5' 11"
85 kg / 187 lb
Build type
Skin color
Pale Umber
Hair color
Eye color
Dark Brown
Australian English
Ren has an Australian accent, rough as guts to his mates, even ocker at times, he can also pull out imperious, suave and even arrogant tones when in mixed company or during diplomatic communications.
Generally a happy go luck bloke, tackling obstacles in his stride and keeping a lighthearted approach to most things.
Ren is fiercely loyal and will go out of his way to help and defend his friends and family.

Ren was born in a research outpost to hardworking and very insular scientist parents. In early life Ren was often sent on errands off world with his uncle to collect supplies, samples and rare commodities which occasionally sent him into deep space. Ren was not like his parents and was not interested in their research but had a wanderlust for the void, something his parents were not too happy about. Every time he went off world, his appetite for spaceflight grew, it was his Uncle who influenced and encouraged this in him and it was he who trained Ren to fly spacecraft and telling him stories about all that came with the lifestyle of a member of the Pilot's Federation and the wonders of the Stars.

Ren's career progressed beyond simple courier services after being interdicted one too many times, he decided he needed to learn how to fight and proceeded to take on some unsavory types by protecting mining vessels in Resource Extraction Sites and was quite successful. Ren had learned that in order to become more proficient and effective he would need to outfit his ship for more advanced combat, dabbling in some bounty hunting had proven most effective for this purpose. Ren even spent some time in the Auxiliary Imperial Navy and was then proficient enough to survive out in the black for the most part.

The local systems had become all too familiar to Ren and it was time to branch out, but he was also in desperate need of credits. It was time to change careers, time to make some decent credits, he had heard of a lucrative way to trade while getting to see a more diverse set of systems around the bubble, Rare goods trading, there he made a decent amount and saw enough of the bubble to sate his wanderlust... for now. Now with enough capital to upgrade to a more appropriate ship for proper trading, he purchased a Type 9, Ren found the Type 9 great for large scale trading but it had it's limitations, the defenses and large pad size made him consider the Python for his trade runs both increasing his defenses and allowing his trade runs to include outposts in his routes.

Latest Events
The taste of trade credits grew stale all too quickly however, Ren's wanderlust was building to new heights, Ren had recently been running missions for the Auxiliary Federal Navy again a fair way out of the bubble and on his shore leave was running a lucrative little sightseeing operation. The Federal Navy has granted Ren clearance to purchase a Corvette Class vessel and his credit balance suddenly took a hit as he purchased his new office and outfit it with A Class Modules. Ren has started along the road to engineering it for it's new purpose.