Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
182 cm / 6' 0"
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
I was born in a different era. Growing up on Mars I heard vague whispered stories of the Thargoid atrocities far out in the Jotun system. I always knew they would return.

My first job was working in the bilge refinery on a Tiger Trader for a mining consortium. You won’t find anything like that these days, it was a filthy great beast of a ship. With these new collector limpets and AI refineries you don’t even need to get your hands dirty. We had our fair share of pirate encounters but always managed to repel the greedy little scumbag thieves. I even had a few goes on the plasma cannon myself.

I always knew the galaxy was a dangerous place but that didn’t quell my inherent need to get out there and see for myself. By the time I was 20 I’d picked up a forged Pilots Federation licence and a stolen Eagle. I started canyon racing out in Pomeche. I was getting quite a name for myself and managed to rake in the credits for a few years. Even managed to trade competently, which is slow going in an Eagle believe me. But this brought me to the attention of the Pilot’s Federation who soon caught up with me. I narrowly escaped a custodial sentence on a prison planet after being pressed into ‘volunteering’ to repel marauding pirates in the Pegasi sector after Archon Delaine seized power and every pirate for lightyears around wanted to be part of the Kumo Crew. Even to this day I take a great delight in vaporising pirate scum at each and every opportunity.

Eventually after several failed applications I was granted full membership of the PF along with a used Sidewinder of my own. I was proud to adopt the new title of Commander. Within 2 or 3 years I had a decent sized fleet and was climbing rapidly in the new PF ranking system. The moment I was granted the permit for the Shinrarta Dezhra system I placed a deposit on a small apartment at Jameson Memorial, that's where I live now when I'm not out in the black.

I’ve done my fair share of exploration. But I’ve also wasted days and weeks of my life sat in the flight seat of a Constrictor, stupefied under the influence of the Star Dreamer drive. Since the invention of the Frameshift Drive, I’ve journeyed out to Barnards loop and Cygnus X-1. However, this was in the days before all this hi-tech module engineering and AI route plotting. So I can tell you now, it was an arduous task.

In the last decade or so the huge surge in availability of new ships and tech have allowed me to exploit the galaxy in a fresh and singularly new way. These days most of my time is spent collecting the mats’ for my latest killer ship build.

When it comes to Powerplay in the galaxy I couldn’t give flying frack what your Ethos is! You can stick your Merits up your black hole! But if you’re offering something I want then sure, you can have four weeks of my time I’ll deliver whatever you want. At present I’m wating for the lovely Arissa to hand over the Imperial hammer. After that I’m off.

I expect I'll settle down one day, perhaps when I reach my 120's. I can see myself lazily trundling about in a Scarab on the surface of a bright warm world and slowly adding to the CODEX as I go. Who knows, even one day I might eventually understand the principals of flying without Flight Assist. But for now, I go where I go and take what I need. I do my best to hold up the reputation of the PF, but I'm no saint, not by a long shot.

The Pilots Federation keep some semblance of order but lets face it life in the galaxy is wild, rich and on the whole tax free! So go for it, do what you will, take what you will. But if your intention is to try and take from me and spending the next few months in the cramped confines of an escape pod doesn’t appeal to you, then may I politely request that you keep your distance and stay well clear of my gun sights.

Fly safe fellow Commanders.