Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
195 cm / 6' 5"
120 kg / 265 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Black (with some white ones apparent)
Eye color
Dark brown
French derived
While growing on a small planetary outpost in the Frenis system, I spent a lot of time reading about the history that led humanity to live in the stars.

With all my reading I stumble upon stories from explorers going in the dark hoping to find some lost treasures and worlds. Of course those stories grew into me and you shall not be surprised to learn that I ended-up buying a trusty DBX named Hermes and headed in the black.

During this first trip, I find out something about myself:
I like to put my name on uncharted celestial bodies and getting paid to do it.

Some people call that exploration. For me it's not, it's primarily selfishness and then a way to prepare for the expansion of mankind in the galaxy (and one day further ?).
Also a lot of people like to admire the view while out there… Me most of the time I'm impervious to such beauty ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anyway, this first trip was lucrative and made me quite wealthy and at ease.

I still like to leave the bubble behind and go put my name on more bodies and/or go on some historical trip. But when not in the black I’ll be doing a little bit of everything: helping my faction, helping my lil'sis… having some good time.
Now that I have reached the Triple Elite with the pilot federation, I will however try to avoid combat against humans as much as I can.

Finally one of my project is to spend a full year outside in the black… just because!

A timeline of trips and other important events
  • 3303-07->3303-09 : Bubble->Colonia->Sagitarius A*->Bubble : First major exploration trip
  • 3303-12 : Joined Black Ram faction
  • 3304-01-3304-02 : Beagle Point trip : It had to be done.
  • 3304-06->3304-12 : Project Destiny Expedition : Visit all sites related to the Project Destiny
  • 3305-03 : Quick Colonia trip : Accompanied two CMDRs that were starting a trip to Colonia, ended up going there
  • 3305-04-14 : Triple Elite : Now I will not partake into combat against humans anymore except in very unusual situations
  • 3305-05 : Joined Daily Routine Incorporated faction